A widespread but poorly executed plot?


(monkey screwing a football)

We watched the quadripartite building security camera show last night on several TeeVee news shows.  You know, the one in which the poll workers shoo the GOP poll watchers and press out of the big counting room at the Farm State Arena and then pull suit cases of something out from under a table and get to counting.

Several interesting things about this;  1.  They all seem to have been pre-briefed and are acting as a team, 2.  They seem oblivious of the permanent security cameras in the room, 3. The GOP somehow obtained these tapes.  Outraged security guard maybe? 

The governator of Georgia, a one time Trumpista, now says that maybe, maybe something bad happened in that room, maybe.  And maybe, maybe, there should be an audit.

It seems to be the case that a lot of effective skullduggery happened in quite a few states in this election, but it was poorly and clumsily done.  A lot of it was more or less in plain sight if one had eyes to see.  Truck drivers were tasked to haul pallets of Biden ballots from place to place.  Biden ballots were run through counting machines ten times.  Remarkable!  Magic computer networks!  

This sounds to me to be something like a plot cooked up by a group of self important but not too clever Ivy grads sitting around at somewhere like … Brooklyn?

"We could do this" one cries out! "We could make it happen!"

So, the concept was great, but the execution was piss poor (army talk).  This may bite them in the ass yet.  (more army talk)  pl

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85 Responses to A widespread but poorly executed plot?

  1. Fred says:

    They either need to be bit in the ass legally and toot sweet or those of us urging people to vote the bastards out will be ignored by somebody outraged enough to decide to help these theives bite the bullet.

  2. Deap says:

    Let’s get more info on the claim the Frankfurt Dominion computers were also hooked up to Iran, Belgrade, China ……and ACORN! (the 2008 Obama-SEIU front).
    Don’t yet claim this was the work of Ivy League effetes, when it falls more obviously on the thuggish SEIU cabal that already proved its success giving us two terms of Obama-Biden.
    Why not use the same game plan this time go for three? SEIU already owns the ballot counters and election offices. And have the most obvious motive – personal and direct wealth transfer of your tax dollars into their own back pockets.
    Let’s hear more about the Frankfurt caper. Sidney, get cracking on the Kraken. Cracking more ACORN nuts will be so nutritious for the national diet..

  3. james says:

    did you complain this much when bush jr stole the election? curious…

  4. EEngineer says:

    A link to an article with the videos themselves because anyone you forward this post to that only watches CNN will have never seen it:

  5. JohninMK says:

    The arena is owned by the Atlanta Fulton County Recreation Authority whose parent seems to be Atlanta City Council. However whilst they own it the site is operated by the Atlanta Hawks NBA team. This would likely make the security control center for the site in the Hawks’ hands. No doubt if it had been staffed with council staff this video would have been wiped as many others probably were around the country.
    Maybe the videoed team, which I thought, like you wrote Colonel, were well trained, knew their tasks and were operating very well, saw the cameras and assumed that, as they were in an ACC property, another team had them under control. Little did they know.

  6. turcopolier says:

    Tell me how Bush “stole” the election.

  7. BillWade says:

    I really hope this is dealt with quickly. Let’s get these thieves in a jail cell now.

  8. Horace says:

    The legal tolerance of this corruption has been happening so long that its cultural acceptance has been embraced by a significant portion of the population. There is no sharing a Western Civilization with these people. Either we find a way to separate or they will remake not only our country but all of the West into something else. They will never stop attacking us, because as long embers of Western Civilization smolder somewhere they will never feel safe inside their conquest.

  9. Deap says:

    Is life imitating art – The Exterminating Angel by Spanish director Brunel (1960’s)– a dinner party where none of the guests can leave due to an invisible force.
    They want to leave, make moves to leave but continue to put off the decision to leave, until they are all reduced to a feral state days later. Then they just leave.
    It seemed bizarre at the time – now in the middle of this covid and endless election thing, not so much. We suffer more from national paralysis now – who will be or who can be the first to leave?

  10. O.B. says:

    Nice details, JohninMK. Does bravery still exists in some US federal judges?
    Let us hope so, for the world’s sake. If those people get away with this, what will they do next?

  11. Fred says:

    Yes but I was a democrat who held Nader in contempt and had no sympathy for lefty neighbors of mine who voted for him.

  12. lux says:

    2. They seem oblivious of the permanent security cameras in the room,
    Sir, I seriously doubt this. If had been one of them, it would be quite easy to convince me it was for my own security. Just in case I was accused by some poll-watchers of deviously underhanded schemes?

  13. fakebot says:

    Only a few hundred votes separated Bush and Gore out of 6 million votes casted in Florida for the 2000 election. The courts played a minimal role in deciding which votes counted because either candidate would only have won by a few hundred at most. Even if Gore won by 500 votes that is not the all important determining factor. The electors appointed by the state legislature decide the election. Bush won in accordance with the law in a state that had a Republican legislature and where his brother was the sitting governor. A Republican legislature picked a Republican president in a state vote that was a virtual dead heat no matter how you counted the votes. That’s not stealing the election. Stuffing the ballot box is stealing.

  14. lux says:

    I looked a bit into election fraud cases, a recurring theme that is used are mail-in votes. Could this be a job on matters the watchers have already observed? Meaning the ballots in those containers are ballots already taken out of the envelopes, which then are stored separately to guarantee anonymity?

  15. ked says:

    They began to shut down for the evening, then the boss said; no, keep going.
    “They were still in the process of cleaning so they hadn’t sealed those ballot boxes up, so they were able to just start right back up, normal processing that occurred there.”

  16. Per/Norway says:

    “What’s Up, Ruby?… BREAKING: Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED”
    Where are the federal law enforcement agencies, why is this woman and her companions not arrested?

  17. Barbara Ann says:

    Deap, courtesy of Kraken:
    “12. A search of indivisible.org network showed a subdomain which evidences the existence of scorecard software in use as part of the Indivisible (formerly ACORN) political group for Obama” (page 9)

  18. blue peacock says:

    The real question is if any state legislature or the courts will take action on these allegations? The clock is ticking with December 14th as the date for certifying electors.

  19. turcopolier says:

    Are you that stupid?

  20. blue peacock says:

    if these were legitimate ballots why were they hidden under the table and pulled out after everyone was cleared out? Wouldn’t they have been segregated with other uncounted ballot boxes? Are all ballots accumulated & transported in identical roller bags?

  21. Eric Newhill says:

    Maybe there is a time stamp in the machine for when a vote is counted and maybe we could see who all of those post-shooing votes were cast for.
    Maybe an election is important enough that someone should bother to investigate what the hell was going on after just those few workers were left and resumed counting.

  22. eakens says:

    We need a new election. One side is going to be upset, but the alternative is pretty dismal

  23. Diana L Croissant says:

    Someone on this blog once remarked about our 4th Congressional District representative, Ken Buck. One of the top stories in our local paper today was about the hearing he just had with our County’s Clerk and Recorder.
    It was called to give then the opportunity to explain the vote-counting procedure here, where I live. Various people from both parties and from the public in general attended. I had already–before the election–contacted the Clerk and Recorder to ask her to explain her procedure. It was similar to the procedure used by the Clerk and Recorder in the county where I lived awhile back and where I helped count ballots for several years there.
    They held the meeting to explain the procedure since they had received so many questions during the election about how exactly the ballots were counted. I am sure those questions came because of all the national news about mishandling of ballots and rigged elections.
    I have liked Ken Buck since the first time he ran for office. I was not living in my home county at the time, but I always followed the elections om this county. He’s a Farmer/rancher type–like so many of my relatives (and I have many relative) and many of the farmers on the neighboring farms of the one in which I grew up.
    Sadly, we do have a university in this, our county seat. We have, therefore, some of the same sociolists spouting their babble to the college students here and to every group they can find who will give them an audience–especially the people who belong to the Democratic Party here.
    The Clerk and Recorder had invited poll watchers from both political parties to be there during the actual counting. She had explained the procedure they had used to test the accuracy of the counting machines and showed it to them and showed them by actually putting sample test ballots through. Of course, some parts of the ballot had to be counted by hand and she explained and showed the procedures for counting those parts of the ballot.
    She explained the procedures used for collecting completed ballots, many of which had been sent to her office through the mail. Many, however, had to be harvested from the various lock boxes which had been stationed in many city and town government offices and banks in the various small towns in our county and in the county seat (Greeley).
    I was impressed with both Ken Buck and with our Clerk and Recorder and with the town’s paper for printing a clear explanation of the procedure that was used to make sure our votes were counted honestly and of the meeting itself.
    I am not sure if I will like anything that happens in regard to politics if the Democrats finally do gain control of our county.
    We lost Cory Gardner as our senator. He’s a rancher and had always been a reluctant politician. Instead we now have the loopy ex Governor Hickenlooper in his place, a Democrat.
    Our state used to be mostly and reliably Republican. However, we used to say, we were “Californicated” after the Dot Com fiasco when so many of those California Democrats learned that we had cheaper land and housing costs here. So now Republicans have to fight hard to win elections here.
    When I first moved back to this town, I tried early to reach the Republican Party headquarters by searching online. Three of the first links listed were actually put up by the Democrats. It meant that when you called the number provided thinking you were getting the Republican Party headquarters, you actually got the Democratic Party headquarters.
    Republicans must now work much harder to our outfox the Democrats who think that being political means using war-like tactics. It’s all so UNCIVIL.

  24. scott s. says:

    I have long been interested in the history of election mechanics, but have never found anything in libraries, online, etc. The best I’ve found is in histories or political science reviews of specific races, but that is episodic and not a survey of the whole history. Even something that seems it should be simple, like finding out the days of presidential popular vote before Congress in 1845 set the first Tues in Nov as a uniform day nation-wide. Likewise for US Representative before Congress did the same in 1871. (For US rep it appears southern states tended to vote in odd number years and northern in even but I have no idea why.)

  25. Barbara Ann says:

    blue peacock
    Seems to me the real question is what action Trump may take in such an eventuality. His speech on Wednesday made it pretty clear he considers this an existential issue for the Republic. If this is your thinking do you let judicial inertia stand in your way? Does Trump have a reputation for being rules-bound?
    Also, I came across an interesting article on Constitutional whatiffery which is looking increasingly prescient. It covers the eventuality of the vote being contested beyond the safe harbor date – section entitled “The Electoral Count”:

  26. akaPatience says:

    LET’S NOT FORGET the bogus claim of a water main break which was the excuse used to supposedly stop counting ballots and send everyone home. Now that we know there was no water main break and votes continued to be counted by a mere few, without observers present (could be a felony, not sure of GA law), THIS ALONE warrants skepticism at the very least if not criminal investigation.

  27. Artemesia says:

    Agree w/ O.B.: nice work, JohninMK.
    The natives are getting restless.
    This morning, callers to C Span Washington Journal harried the Moderator (Bill Scanlan) until he was forced to display a very brief clip of the Affair of the Four Suitcases. Scanlan qualified the presentation, “I cannot provide any context . . .”
    Callers further chastened Scanlan for repeatedly referring to Biden as “President Elect.” Eventually, Scanlan grew testy. That does not happen often w/ C Span Mods: they get defensive about the “purity” of the C Span brand, but very very rare for them to show pique.
    I suspect there’s a photo of Steve Scully’s head on a pike in the C Span Break room.
    Moderators are 150% compliant with the Biden narrative and also with Covid as a reality.
    I’ve been cataloguing the “experts” Washington Journal has consulted since the start of the Covid situation: so far, only ONE person, a practicing physician, has spoken in ways contrary to the established narrative.
    My study is incomplete, but so far reveals interesting nuances. Last week an MD who is not a practicing physician but an entrepreneur said that in mid-January their research switched from cancer to RNA vaccines “when large amounts of government money became available.”
    Another notable nuance: Fauci appeared as a guest on Washington Journal, taking calls. A man who identified as a pediatrician criticized Fauci bitterly, saying Fauci was harming children in numerous ways.
    Fauci was dismissive and responded, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
    sorry — afraid I got off topic

  28. lux says:

    Colonel Lang, Eric,
    If you follow ked’s link to the appropriate article, there is a Zoom conference between some people trying to clarify those ballot-container-affair internally.
    To the extent I recall, judge Batten jr. will have a hearing with both parties tomorrow. This might be interesting …
    I am not as impressed as Barbara Ann seems to be by the forensic expert: the former military intelligence, white hat. But his basic reference may not be to ACORN or Soros, he links to him too, but to a suspected Chinese, Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat or an APT attributed to the respective state actors. (CISA report, Oct 30). There are many suspected APR attributed to that origin. Dragon, Panda, Kitten instead of the Russian “Bears” we are more familiar with by now. But I may be wrong here. …
    His perspective seems to be simply to look for weaknesses possible points of access to the machines. I would still like to hear TTG’s opinion on that paper.
    Here is a link to someone that claims to know the military unit, the witness refers to in his background. I cannot judge the author’s expertise:
    English Outsider already posted that link a while ago.
    Republicans today filed a “response to jurisdictional questions” and a petition for permission to appeal”. It contains a reference to the video, thus ked’s link makes sense, or more precisely the Zoom video meeting. Apparently they are trying to clarify matters internally.
    The republican petition provides a bit of a window into the larger struggles with electronic voting machines in Georgia, apparently they once used the infamous
    Diebold machines too at one point in time. …

  29. Deap says:

    Nice try, ked.
    The pit boss (SEIU employee?) was supposed to say we cannot continue counting because we no longer have observers to the counting process, which are legally required.
    Lock it up, folks. Secure everything and for goodness sakes, NO more counting! The integrity of our election system is at stake, let alone your own government union jobs.

  30. Deap says:

    Okay Kraken, open up “Indivisible” (aka Obama, ACORN, SEIU) – search your own local branch, because this is a highly disciplined Democrat agenda megaphone.
    Link to the local Santa Barbara branch of “Indivisible” who went into action immediately in 2016 faking “protests” with union printed signs and colored tee-shirts – but dwindled down over time to mainly the same pack of Unitarians, retired school teachers and League of Women Voters members (same thing):
    But they kept the candle lit in the window, and the flames growing in the hearts of their astro-turf followers – they laid the gauntlet down on Inauguration Day 2017 with their Indivisible Manifesto and claimed they were going use the same “grassroots” tactics as the Tea Party:
    Hope we learn more from Sidney about this alleged connection to the German computer vote counting procedures and any link to “Indivisible”.

  31. james says:

    @ pat.. as i understand it, the bush-gore election all came down to florida…. gore had more votes, but it was decided by his brother and the republican brass in the state of florida.. do i have that wrong?? obviously the complaints of the other side may not have been acknowledged or recognized, but i think they were very real.. so here we are about 20 years later and the rolls appear reversed…
    reading up on it here gives more details…

  32. turcopolier says:

    Yes. You are wrong. The Florida election was determined by SCOTUS who ordered a halt to vote counting.

  33. Barbara Ann says:

    I am not so impressed with 305 MI guy. At least some of exhibit 12 in this affidavit is BS and some of the attempts to prove foreign connections look tenuous at best.
    The other part; exhibit 13 which describes the Scytl software vulnerability looks more robust, but still appears to rely on circumstantial evidence of spikes in the vote count – no smoking gun. The affiant also makes the following admission; “61. Hence, you can’t prove anyone manipulated anything”. They’d better have the hard evidence somewhere. 5,000 or 50,000 affidavits without may just not cut it.
    I agree TTG’s view on this one would be useful.

  34. Fred says:

    SEIU doesn’t run the GA election and they don’t represent salaried employees of the GA secretary of state or Fulton County’s registration and election board; they are reponsbile for the count. Good try though.

  35. John Merryman says:

    It doesn’t matter what color jersey they are wearing, just so long as they know who is pulling the strings.
    Think Reagan and Carter and how they were fairly open about working with the Iranians to hold onto the hostages, until after the election.
    Unfortunately the military industrial complex has come to resemble an autoimmune disorder.
    Too much of a good thing, is not a good thing.

  36. lux,
    I agree with your jaundiced impression of those IT experts’ (exhibits 12 and 13) affidavits about voter fraud. That first clown claims to be an “electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence.” Sounds like a case of stolen valor. The 305th MI is a training unit providing initial MOS training to new recruits. In other words, he’s a bullshit artist. His China connection is a URL “dominionvotingsystems.com” registered through GoDaddy and sitting on a 169 server in China. If anything that is a Chinese attempt to hacking the real dominionvoting.com network which does belong to Dominion Voting Systems. He makes the same error with Iran and edisonresearch.xn. The xn is an ascii interpretation of a unicode string. This is an ascii vulnerability often exploited by hackers and spoofers. The second IT expert makes a big deal about akamai and supposedly nefarious locations of akamai servers. He clearly doesn’t know that akamai servers are ubiquitous and have been for decades. They serve up content for thousands of clients on everyone’s web browser.
    Both IT experts seem to be trying to baffle us with bullshit. This seems to be a theme with so many of these affidavits. Whether the Elite Strike Force and the Kraken are fooled by this stuff or wittingly employing the bullshit is an open question. Given their reluctance to attest to this stuff in court so far, I think it’s a legal tactic of attempting to baffle with bullshit.
    The State Farm Arena vote counting was addressed by Matt Washburn, a Georgia State Election Board member, Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting system implementation manager and Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, all three Republicans. None of these three saw fraud or illegality. Ked already provided that first link.
    Still, vote counting and absentee ballot irregularities is far better angle of attack for the Elite Strike Force than the electronic vote shaving angle, especially in Georgia where a 100% hand recount of paper ballots matched the machine count. The idea of “Chavez did it” is a far lamer and loonier excuse for an election loss than the “Putin did it” cry of four years ago.

  37. Chuck Light says:

    Fred and James reminded me of a little known (or at least little articulated) fact about the Bush/Gore election of 2000, which as we all know led to Bush winning the Electoral College and thus the presidency.
    Fred pointed out in response to James that he “was a democrat who held Nader in contempt and had no sympathy for lefty neighbors of mine who voted for him.” What goes unsaid in most conversations about the 2000 election is that Nader actually swung the election to Bush.
    The final Electoral College count was Bush 271, Gore 267, after the Supreme Court stopped the count in Florida and Florida’s Electors went to Bush. Had Nader not gummed up the works in a small New England state, however, Gore would have won the Electoral College without the Electors from Florida, and Florida would have been irrelevant.
    The final vote tallies in New Hampshire were Bush 273,559; Gore 266,348; and Nader, representing the Green Party, 22,198. New Hampshire has four votes in the Electoral College. Had Gore won New Hampshire, he would have had 271 votes in the Electoral College without Florida, and he would have won the presidency. Nader, with his 22,198 votes, took enough votes from Gore to allow Bush to win New Hampshire, and with Florida, the White House.
    Nader, with full knowledge that he could not win any state, and could only screw up the results for Gore, did exactly that. Give those four Electoral College votes from New Hampshire to Gore, and Florida would have been an asterisk in a close win for the Democrats.

  38. james says:

    @ john… i think you have that right! it seems the people lose in either situation and those in power continue to hold onto power… so much for the attractive illusion of democracy and freedom circa 2020…

  39. exiled off mainstreet says:

    The evidence is clear and convincing. If the legal system or legislatures fails to take this into account, a Rubicon will have been crossed and any remaining legitimacy of the yankee republic will vanish as a regime based on fraud and illegality supplants votes cast legally.

  40. Fred says:

    Chuck Light,
    That has generally been the result of third party candidates running in presidential elections for the past century of so. However, Bush v. Gore was decided in the Supreme Court and the issue of equal protection that was decided there is going to be relevant in PA and GA and perhaps other states as well. The arguement now is that there were two classes of voters statewide which were not treated equally. Mail in voters vs. in person voters. (Both time extentions and voter identification (or lack thereof)). The S.C. really can’t duck the issue and play sophist games with arguements about timing of filing suit or standing without completely losing what credibility they have left.

  41. Christian Chuba says:

    “Biden ballots were run through counting machines ten times.”
    Not in Georgia, that would have shown up in the re-count because they compare the electronic total to the saved paper ballots. To get the same number in the recount they would have to remember to scan the same number of Biden ballots the same number of extra times.
    Bryan Cohen discusses the latest suitcase story in GA

  42. blue peacock says:

    “Seems to me the real question is what action Trump may take in such an eventuality.”
    Barbara Ann,
    Trump’s track record in such matters particularly the Russia Collusion hoax should provide a clue. He was LONG tweets & SHORT decisive action.

  43. Thomas R. says:

    You have it the wrong way around.
    The Trump plan was to cry foul and spread made up accusations of vote fraud and get the GOP rigged judiciary to throw out or rule in Trump’s favor to steal the election, knowing the Republican base would eat up any bogus accusations, which they have.
    Only the vote return wasn’t as close as it was during the Gore election to make that more feasible and the Trump effort now is a “poorly executed” affair.

  44. Deap says:

    It has all become a Catch-22. But that book had already been written. You don’t have sufficient proof to bring a case for fraud forward but you deny you access to any evidence because we alone control it.
    The principle is correct; the process failed. One person one vote. But it did more than fail; it got intentionally overwhelmed so it could not work in theory or practice and that was the work of only one party – the one who is inside the system snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, because they alone write the rules, apply the rules and are the sole judge and jury gate keepers. This is wrong.
    Sidney Powell had to wait years to right the wrongs of Feds vs Enron, after lives were shattered by government malfeasance. But she hung in there and righted the wrongs, even if she could not revive the bodies strewn in their path.

  45. lux says:

    Barbara Ann, hello TTG, is that really you or only your avatar?
    I have seen no evidence that Dominion uses Scytl software, let alone a Scytl server in Frankfurt. To cite David Krejci:
    Repetitive usage of “whereas” sounds official and quite weighty but does nothing to resolve an incoherent narrative that is rife with errors (OSINT doesn’t fit either), and reeks of bullshit, but have at it,
    Yes, feels odd this case. But It actually feels that OSINT may tell us all we need to know. Pseudo-technically connecting dots available via open source ‘intelligence’ already? That’s how the Scytl node came in? White hat, as he describes himself, wouldn’t be used by a pro in the field with or without a military background, a pro would use penetration tester or pen tester … There are quite a few real pros with military background in forensic and security, that’s true. Real good ones. But this one simply does not sound like one.
    He may be connected to Russel Ramsland and/or his Allied Security Operations Group. Remember his affidavit?
    As filed by Powell in Georgia:
    An analysis of the Dominion software system by a former US Military Intelligence expert concludes that the system and software have been accessible and were certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China. By using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, Dominion neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data and intentionally provided access to their infrastructure in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent one in 2020.
    None of his experts is a pro in this specific field?
    ASOG is a group of globally engaged professionals who come from various disciplines to include Department of Defense, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Our employees and contractors care about this world and strive to make the international community a better place for all.
    Sidney Powell filed another case in Arizona two days ago, representing Republican state electors. Summarizing matters maybe updating Ramsland via new Arizona expertise, our white hat surfaces again too.
    In Arizona they have two witnesses, one Dominion employee that claims data was taken out in the evening, if I recall correctly, taken somewhere where it may well have been manipulated. Which strictly turns the external rogue actors into one or many internal manipulators. Vague Déjà vu.
    And a poll worker. Have to read it again. Do they mix up Trump and Biden in the last irregularity that witness reports? Who apparently witnessed a lot of fraud.
    Meanwhile General Flynn shocked Jonathan Turley with a retweet:
    Retired Gen. Michael Flynn embraced an extreme call this week for President Donald Trump to declare martial law to hold a new presidential election. In a tweet, Flynn appeared to endorse a call from We the People Convention to declare martial law. He added “Freedom never kneels except for God.” As someone who long criticized Flynn’s prosecution as abusive, his association is deeply disappointing. While it does not alter the view of the prosecution, it will alter the view of Flynn to support such a call.
    Crazy times.

  46. Yeah, Right says:

    I’ve read on other web sites that the video shows the same stack of ballots being fed, then refed, then fed again into the counting machine.
    If that is the case then I can’t see how anyone can possibly claim that there is nothing illegitimate about the activity that was recorded in that video.
    Can the keen eyed amongst you (not me, obviously) confirm that this is what the video shows?

  47. ked says:

    The standard for what is a good enough excuse to launch a civil war certainly has lowered over the years.
    Eric, I noted a few things in reading the full article;
    – previous review by state investigators found no problem,
    – the video “evidence” is the first example of what might conceivably be considered fact-based (rather than assertions about theoretical narratives) ever since ballot-counting has been completed.
    There will be more attention to this. There will be other desperate moves. I’m all for it. They will end up like these:
    What I’m not supporting is civil insurrection over a Big Lie. Rationally, there’s not enough there, there for that.

  48. Eric Newhill says:

    You have not posted “the whole night’s video on-line”. Why do we need election monitors? Why did they stop the count? Why was there then a call to re-start the count with no monitor?
    You trust the government and I do not. To you “science” is whatever government says it is. To me that is not even close to the definition. You believe that conservatives/republicans are corrupt, deplorable racists and capable of much evil, but democrats are innocent and just want to make the world a better place for everyone. I think that is an idiotic view point that is disingenuous or incredibly naive.
    There’s much substantial evidence that cannot be disputed – which is why you avoid it – like non-residents voting and dead people voting and people voting more than once.
    You’re kidding yourself in a huge way if you think that there won’t be massive social unrest – even a civil war – with the election fraud and covid lockdowns forever that are destroying businesses and lives, while the people implementing them party away in violation of their own oppressive rules. Gun confiscation will be the final straw. Your attempts at disinformation and hand waving away what we can see with our own two eyes and feel in our hearts are not cutting it.

  49. Morongobill says:

    Perhaps Trump should unleash his own Kraken, the Insurrection Act.

  50. lux,
    I tried posting this comment last night, but either I screwed it up, Typepad screwed it up or Colonel Lang is sending me a subtle message.
    I agree with your and Barbara Ann’s jaundiced impressions of those IT experts’ (exhibits 12 and 13) affidavits about voter fraud. That first clown claims to be an “electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence.” Sounds like a case of stolen valor. The 305th MI is a training unit providing initial MOS training to new MI recruits. In other words, he’s a bullshit artist. His China connection is a URL “dominionvotingsystems.com” registered through GoDaddy and sitting on a 169 server in China. If anything that is a Chinese attempt to hack the real dominionvoting.com network which does belong to Dominion Voting Systems. He makes the same error with Iran and edisonresearch.xn. The xn is an ascii interpretation of a unicode string. This is an ascii vulnerability often exploited by hackers and spoofers. The second IT expert makes a big deal about akamai and supposedly nefarious locations of akamai servers. He clearly doesn’t know that akamai servers are ubiquitous and have been for decades. They serve up content for thousands of clients on everyone’s web browser.
    Both IT experts seem to be trying to baffle us with bullshit. This seems to be a theme with so many of these affidavits. Whether the Elite Strike Force and the Kraken are fooled by this stuff or wittingly employing this dodgy stuff is an open question. Given their reluctance to attest to this stuff in court so far, I think it’s a legal tactic of attempting to baffle the courts and legislative committees with bullshit.
    The State Farm Arena vote counting was addressed by Matt Washburn, a Georgia State Election Board member, Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting system implementation manager and Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, all three Republicans. None of these three saw fraud or illegality. Ked already provided that first link.
    Still, vote counting and absentee ballot irregularities is far better angle of attack for the Elite Strike Force than the electronic vote shaving angle, especially in Georgia where a 100% hand recount of paper ballots matched the machine count. The idea of “Chavez did it” is a far lamer and loonier excuse for an election loss than the “Putin did it” cry of four years ago.

  51. turcopolier says:

    I posted this for you last night.

  52. Fred says:

    Thomas R,
    You are right. Biden won in the biggest popular vote landslide in American history. The people want, nay demand, citizenship for DACA executive order grantees, statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico, and a gigantic increase in work visas for tech employees. You can see the truth in this with the courageous leadership of Republican Senator Mike Lee, who was jointed by Senators Marco Rubio, Cotton, Hawley and all the rest in passing S. 386, the “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act.”
    Once Kamala is in power these fine elites will give us what we truly deserve.
    I’m sure antifa/BLM will keep you safe. The police sure won’t.

  53. pl,
    You seem to be able to see my comments, but they appear as empty comments on the blog. Typepad must be doing something hinky with my account. I will try making a new TTG account to try to fix it.

  54. Deap says:

    Tried and true recipe for third world nation status: raid the treasury and hire the relatives.
    Georgia vote counters identified from surveillance tapes – long blond locks supervisor daughter and mouthy Biden-loving mother – also the two engaged in some sort of thumb drive pass-off?:
    Reminder: Honoring American traditions: presumption of innocence, and no charges without probable cause. You decide.
    Seeing the who, what, where, when and how of our vote counting process, I now have zero confidence we run honest elections.

  55. Deap says:

    More on the Georgia mother-daughter vote counting duo, Ruby and Ms Blond Dreadlocks: Daughter commended in 2019 for processing 10,000 voter registrations …. all by herself.

  56. Leith says:

    Fred –
    Per its FEC report yesterday, Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the election have cost his campaign about $8.8 million so far, including about $2.3 million on lawyers.
    But they’ve helped him raise $207 million.
    I hope you didn’t get suckered in to donating. All that money is going to go into his pocket, or into his failing businesses.

  57. lux says:

    I posted this for you last night.
    Posted by: turcopolier | 05 December 2020 at 10:59 AM

    Appreciated Sir, tell him we miss him around here. Or at least some of us do.

  58. turcopolier says:

    “All that money is going to go into his pocket, or into his failing businesses.” you don’t know that. that is just mean nastiness. TDS forever?

  59. lux,
    Perhaps third time’s the charm. Still haven’t figured out what Typepad is doing to my account, but I got a work BTW, Typepad says it’s not accepting new accounts now. A reorganization or buyout may be in the wind.
    I agree with your and Barbara Ann’s jaundiced impressions of those IT experts’ (exhibits 12 and 13) affidavits about voter fraud. That first clown claims to be an “electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence.” Sounds like a case of stolen valor. The 305th MI is a training unit providing initial MOS training to new MI recruits. In other words, he’s a bullshit artist. His China connection is a URL “dominionvotingsystems.com” registered through GoDaddy and sitting on a 169 server in China. If anything that is a Chinese attempt to hack the real dominionvoting.com network which does belong to Dominion Voting Systems. He makes the same error with Iran and edisonresearch.xn. The xn is an ascii interpretation of a unicode string. This is an ascii vulnerability often exploited by hackers and spoofers. The second IT expert makes a big deal about akamai and supposedly nefarious locations of akamai servers. He clearly doesn’t know that akamai servers are ubiquitous and have been for decades. They serve up content for thousands of clients on everyone’s web browser.
    Both IT experts seem to be trying to baffle us with bullshit. This seems to be a theme with so many of these affidavits. Whether the Elite Strike Force and the Kraken are fooled by this stuff or wittingly employing this dodgy stuff is an open question. Given their reluctance to attest to this stuff in court so far, I think it’s a legal tactic of attempting to baffle the courts and legislative committees with bullshit.
    The State Farm Arena vote counting was addressed by Matt Washburn, a Georgia State Election Board member, Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting system implementation manager and Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, all three Republicans. None of these three saw fraud or illegality. Ked already provided that first link.
    Still, vote counting and absentee ballot irregularities is far better angle of attack for the Elite Strike Force than the electronic vote shaving angle, especially in Georgia where a 100% hand recount of paper ballots matched the machine count. The idea of “Chavez did it” is a far lamer and loonier excuse for an election loss than the “Putin did it” cry of four years ago.

  60. There must be something in the comment I tried to post that’s giving Typepad indigestion. Maybe the links or the URLs in the text might already be flagged as malware sources. Here’s the heart of the comment. Maybe this will work.
    I agree with your and Barbara Ann’s jaundiced impressions of those IT experts’ (exhibits 12 and 13) affidavits about voter fraud. That first clown claims to be an “electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence.” Sounds like a case of stolen valor. The 305th MI is a training unit providing initial MOS training to new MI recruits. In other words, he’s a bullshit artist. His China connection is a URL “dominionvotingsystems(dot)com” registered through GoDaddy and sitting on a 169 server in China. If anything that is a Chinese attempt to hack the real dominionvoting.com network which does belong to Dominion Voting Systems. He makes the same error with Iran and edisonresearch(dot)xn. The xn is an ascii interpretation of a unicode string. This is an ascii vulnerability often exploited by hackers and spoofers. The second IT expert makes a big deal about akamai and supposedly nefarious locations of akamai servers. He clearly doesn’t know that akamai servers are ubiquitous and have been for decades. They serve up content for thousands of clients on everyone’s web browser.

  61. Eric Newhill says:

    I can confirm that your comments are blank.
    However, the one made at 11:18 today can be read

  62. turcopolier says:

    TTG’s comments are all visible to me.

  63. Eric Newhill says:

    TTG’s comment at 13:38 can be read – but the one at 13:32 cannot. It is simply blank with the posted by filled in.

  64. Cortes says:

    A couple of things struck me about the alleged passing of a thumb drive in the recent video.
    1. We are accustomed to being shown surveillance video recordings of actual crimes perpetrated as well as shocking accidents on highways, for example. We may become predisposed to interpret normal actions as furtive or shifty due to our experience of being exposed to footage of real crime caught on camera. The movies even have a stock plot-development device in which an ingenu is shown footage of an event and looks vacantly at the plucky protagonist/whistleblower and utters the feed question:
    “What am I seeing here” or some variant thereof. And the plucky whistleblower explains, and the story can resume.
    2. In the “thumb drive” passed by mother to daughter there may be some confirmation bias in seeing the article passed as evidence of a contribution to electoral fraud.
    As an ex-smoker, my first and continuing thought is that quite possibly Mother passed her lighter to daughter to go for a smoke break. The movement was furtive, but perhaps there’s an unauthorised break involved rather than the faithful execution of the orders of Soros?

  65. lux says:

    He clearly doesn’t know that akamai servers are ubiquitous and have been for decades. They serve up content for thousands of clients on everyone’s web browser.
    Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 05 December 2020 at 01:38 PM

    Thanks, TTG. That describes perfectly my first impression when it was first posted here by English Outsider.
    Curious, nevertheless, why used as expert?
    Sidney Kraken’s use of terms point in the same direction. I forget, but wouldn’t I want to understand what I am talking about? As lawyer? Thus what is this about?

  66. Lux,
    Here’s the rest of my original comment. It sums up my theory of what the Kraken legal strategy amounts to.
    Both IT experts seem to be trying to baffle us with bullshit. This seems to be a theme with so many of these affidavits. Whether the Elite Strike Force and the Kraken are fooled by this stuff or wittingly employing this dodgy stuff is an open question. Given their reluctance to attest to this stuff in court so far, I think it’s a legal tactic of attempting to baffle the courts and legislative committees with bullshit.
    The State Farm Arena vote counting was addressed by Matt Washburn, a Georgia State Election Board member, Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting system implementation manager and Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, all three Republicans. None of these three saw fraud or illegality. Ked already provided that first link.
    Still, vote counting and absentee ballot irregularities is far better angle of attack for the Elite Strike Force than the electronic vote shaving angle, especially in Georgia where a 100% hand recount of paper ballots matched the machine count. The idea of “Chavez did it” is a far lamer and loonier excuse for an election loss than the “Putin did it” cry of four years ago.

  67. Lux,
    Let’s try that again without the links. You can follow them from Ked’s original link. Those links must be what’s hosing up my comments. The rest of my original comment sums up what I think the Kraken legal strategy amount to. I swear to God, Colonel Lang, if this doesn’t work, I’m dropping it.
    Both IT experts seem to be trying to baffle us with bullshit. This seems to be a theme with so many of these affidavits. Whether the Elite Strike Force and the Kraken are fooled by this stuff or wittingly employing this dodgy stuff is an open question. Given their reluctance to attest to this stuff in court so far, I think it’s a legal tactic of attempting to baffle the courts and legislative committees with bullshit.
    The State Farm Arena vote counting was addressed by Matt Washburn, a Georgia State Election Board member, Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting system implementation manager and Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, all three Republicans. None of these three saw fraud or illegality. Ked already provided that first link.
    Still, vote counting and absentee ballot irregularities is far better angle of attack for the Elite Strike Force than the electronic vote shaving angle, especially in Georgia where a 100% hand recount of paper ballots matched the machine count. The idea of “Chavez did it” is a far lamer and loonier excuse for an election loss than the “Putin did it” cry of four years ago.

  68. Barbara Ann says:

    TTG, glad you got your voice back.
    The Akamai stuff and other strained efforts at joining dots to foreign individuals and entities in this affidavit (and others) suggest to me a level of coaching in order to ‘prove’ not just fraud, but specifically foreign interference in the election. This may or may not have something to do with Trump’s 2018 EO.
    However, I have to take the Scytl algorithmic fraud allegations in exhibit 13 (sections 85 to 94 on pages 46 & 47) more seriously. Not the least reason for doing so is because the affiant (seemingly a long-term contractor at a three letter agency) would be easily identifiable – at least by his former employer.
    I do not have the technical knowledge to do a reality check on the alleged trapdoor vulnerability, but I do understand the concept of zero knowledge cryptographic proofs and the gist of the allegation at least smells genuine. I’d welcome more expert opinions on this.
    The affiant also alleges to have witnessed (the CIA?) fixing the 2014 Ukrainian* presidential election using the technology and vulnerability described. It is suggested that Scytl was implemented in Ukraine under the guise of a $50M Crisis support package announced in April 2014. I have checked and Scytl do list the Ukrainian Electoral Commission as a customer. He/she then drops the bombshell allegation that the same method was used to fix the 2020 election in the US. So yes, this may all be fantasy, but whoever swore to it is either very brave, very stupid or possibly both.
    * Ukraine is not named, but it is obvious from the context
    Do I believe that the CIA would implement trapdoor vulnerabilities in the election result reporting solutions of a company with a global footprint? Hell yes. Handing out cookies is quaint, but doesn’t guarantee results. Do I believe that someone was mad enough to do the same at domestically – who knows? Possibly this affiant.

  69. Fred says:

    You must have missed the $billion Biden and his backers spent, plus the $400,000,000 or so Zuckerberg funneled through NGOs to harvest the votes in urban DNC strongholds.
    “…All that money is going to go into his pocket…”
    No, but you might want to look into Ilhan Omar’s campaign speding if relatives getting paid to help to their wife, mom, husband, buddy, get elected bothers you. Tulsi also.

  70. lux says:

    It feels I should share a comment I made elsewhere, while looking into other experts Sidney Powell used.
    I grateful to William M. Briggs to not censor my not really deeply reflected more spontaneous comment. We did once have a statistician around here. ???
    But first things first. The Expert:
    Stats I Helped With In Sidney Powell’s Michigan Kraken
    My rather superficial comment. Very spontaneous action, I really do love number and statistics:

  71. ked says:

    Making straw BS out of what you’d like to think that I think is unbecoming. Gross generalizations (as you display in your response) are nowhere close to my views on gov & science. I won’t speculate on why that style of speculation is so appealing.
    Gun confiscation? Not aware of that happening, nor do I foresee it in America’s future. I’m more concerned about widespread organized political violence breaking out in our nation over things that haven’t happened.
    Fred, Please don’t concern yourself about my security. I’m pretty well embedded in my community, which happens to behave like a well-adjusted civic operation.

  72. Leith says:

    Colonel – I apologize if I offended you. I was too quick to cast stones. I would like to know where that money is going though.

  73. Leith says:

    Fred – I’ve always liked Tulsi. I especially liked Tulsi for co-sponsoring with Walter Jones (R-N.C.) the “No More Presidential Wars Act”. She got a raw deal from Hillary and the Hillary clique for slandering her. She should get an apology.
    How much of that Honolulu-10 article was a hit job by followers of Kai Kahele?
    IMO she should get a job in the Biden Admin – maybe something to do with Reserve Affairs at DoD or OSA.

  74. turcopolier says:

    Contact Typepad and work it out with them.

  75. Deap says:

    Scott Adams (Dilbert) hour long sane analysis of where we are with the election, as of when he made this video: https://danfromsquirrelhill.wordpress.com/2020/11/07/scott-adams-2/
    Keeping in mind Adams’ scenario about Domininon and Smartronics (sp?) and the allegedly new development today of Soros Open Society hiring the President of Smartronics (sp?) (Lord something and another) the new Open Society Chairman was an event that happened after he made this tape. If this event happened.
    However, Adams key point is fake news won the election more than anything else. Biden just had more fake news going for him, and Trump had more fake news going against him. And that is the Zeitgeist of the times. No voter is forced to chose one set of fake news over any other. But the Zeitgeist of “happy” fake news just may have made the difference over choosing the relentless barrage of negative fake news about Trump.
    It is a sobering hour spent with a shrewd thinker … who i believe cares even when he says he does not. He cares in the big picture, because we all do. Even if this means we have to accept outcomes we don’t like, we accept them because we care.

  76. Fred says:

    Yeah, Tulsi spending hundreds of thousands at a friend’s digital marketing agency based in BF Montana, one with zero political marketing experience, well, nothing to see here, and maybe Bejing Biden will give her a job. Nice principles.

  77. JohninMK says:

    Colonel, I found the analysis at this link reassuring, I wonder if it can possibly be true.

  78. longarch says:

    The Twisted Genius wrote:

    That first clown claims to be an “electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence.” Sounds like a case of stolen valor. The 305th MI is a training unit providing initial MOS training to new MI recruits. In other words, he’s a bullshit artist. His China connection is a URL “dominionvotingsystems(dot)com” registered through GoDaddy and sitting on a 169 server in China. If anything that is a Chinese attempt to hack the real dominionvoting.com network which does belong to Dominion Voting Systems. He makes the same error with Iran and edisonresearch(dot)xn.

    I don’t see who the first “clown” is. I followed all the links and I only found stories such as:
    I presume that is the first “clown.” He does not seem clownish to me.

    Both IT experts seem to be trying to baffle us with bullshit. This seems to be a theme with so many of these affidavits. Whether the Elite Strike Force and the Kraken are fooled by this stuff or wittingly employing this dodgy stuff is an open question. Given their reluctance to attest to this stuff in court so far, I think it’s a legal tactic of attempting to baffle the courts and legislative committees with bullshit.

    There is a huge number of witnesses. All the witnesses I have looked into have seemed to be free of bullshit. I do not regard accusations of bullshit as productive unless we can narrow it down to specific witnesses arguing specific points. Quite possibly SOME of the witnesses are full of fertilizer. However, according to the Throckmorton Precedent, ANY Democrat fraud vitiates any possibility of the Democrats winning the election.
    Thus the anti-fraud forces only have to get lucky ONCE. The pro-fraud forces have to be lucky every time.

  79. Keith Harbaugh says:

    Regarding the comments from TTG,
    the first one with non-empty contents is:
    You seem to be able to see my comments, but they appear as empty comments on the blog. Typepad must be doing something hinky with my account. I will try making a new TTG account to try to fix it.
    Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 05 December 2020 at 11:18 AM
    Both before and after that comment there are four “comments”
    without content, viz:
    Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 04 December 2020 at 08:37 PM
    Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 05 December 2020 at 10:56 AM
    Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 05 December 2020 at 01:32 PM
    Posted by: The Twisted Genius | 05 December 2020 at 04:17 PM

  80. lux says:

    I don’t see who the first “clown” is. I followed all the links and I only found stories such as:

    I presume that is the first “clown.” He does not seem clownish to me.
    Posted by: longarch | 06 December 2020 at 09:52 AM

    longarch, TTG didn’t call Krejci a clown. That’s pretty obvious. Krejci doesn’t serve as witness IT or not for the Sidney/Wood team. Thus, it can’t be David Krejci whom TTG refers to.
    TTG wrote: “I agree with your and Barbara Ann’s jaundiced impressions of those IT experts’ (exhibits 12 and 13) affidavits about voter fraud. That first clown claims to be an “electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence.” Sounds like a case of stolen valor.”
    Apparently he agrees with Krecji. He does not consider the expert credible or competent, which doesn’t mean he considers Krecji a clown. But then, Krecji is no expert witness. His hightly critical comment appears in one of the many blogs where the “white-hat-expert” is taken quite serious.
    There are two exhibits I am aware of claiming IT expertise. One of them is Russel Ramsland, the other the “white-hat-expert”. Ramsland’s affidavit covers more ground than IT. He is the expert who claimed there were districts with 100% or more votes cast. Which indeed is impossible. Problem official numbers tell us it isn’t so.
    Larry Johnson (Nov. 21, A Patriot Call To Action) referred to the part of Ramsland’s affidavit mentioned above. Ramsfeld has an Harvard MBA background, but apparently he works with people in the field of electronic security and forensics too, among other things on election fraud.
    Barbara Ann filed a link containing the whole series of cases including affidavits filed in Georgia.
    One of the rare collections that lists all court files including affidavits by both witnesses and experts. Starting with the Lin Wood case. Lin Wood later joined Powell. They are listed with letters here, not numbers in this database. You can search Ramsland. Lin Wood filed his affidavit on Nov. 18.

  81. lux says:

    you probably aren’t interested but the motion to dismiss Kraken Sidney’s experts by the defendants discusses each of them, including Ronald Watkins, the founder and administrator of 8chun and 8kun.
    I am only familiar with Ramsland, the white-hat-expert, apparently labeled Spyder by Powell’s team and Briggs via his website where he posted his expertise. Maybe I’ll take a look at the other experts.
    Defendants motion to dismiss experts:

  82. longtarch,
    My comments were about two specific, but unnamed, individuals who prepared affidavits in a link first provided by Barbara Ann on 4 Dec.
    That first individual is not only a clown, but a lying stolen valor SOB. The second individual did not make any outrageous claim about his background so I wouldn’t characterize him as a clown. Neither of these individuals are what I would expect for an expert witness in a court of law. Nor would I consider the evidence presented in either affidavit germane to a case of massive voter fraud. They both contain errors and innuendo indicative of these individuals’ status as not expert witnesses.
    The link to the motion to exclude testimony provided by lux provides the State of Georgia’s assessment of several similar expert witnesses, some of who have been discussed previously here on SST especially the theory of Shiva Ayyadurai. With the caliber of experts and witnesses brought forth by the “Elite Legal Strike Force” so far, it is no wonder their cases have all been lost or dismissed except one which did get half a dozen votes thrown out in Pennsylvania. They better step up their game if they want to save Trump’s ass.

  83. longarch says:

    @ The Twisted Genius:
    Thank you for clarifying. At this moment, I cannot verify that the individual who made Exhibit 12 is guilty of stolen valor. However, if that claim can be proven, it is likely to be legally relevant.
    @lux Thanks for the discussion and PDF.
    I had heard a great deal of excitement about Philip Waldron.

    Col. Philip Waldron (US Army-Retired) served over 30 years as a U.S. Military Intelligence Officer specializing in cyber security focused on election manipulation. Waldron is considered an expert on automated voting machines, who, as part of his training and experience, knows exactly how voting machines can be corrupted.
    Col. Waldron served the bulk of his career with the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion – a group long known in military circles as “The Kraken.”
    In testimony before both the PA and AZ legislatures, Col. Waldron revealed that his cyber security team has been monitoring the U.S. election system – including its voting machines – since August.
    “The voting systems in the U.S. and in Pennsylvania were built to be manipulated,” Col. Waldron told the Pennsylvania legislature last week.
    Waldron went on to state that U.S. election equipment like Dominion Voting Systems offers all have “similar code and similar functions” as the Smartmatic voting software. In fact, said the Colonel, nearly every voting system used in the 2020 General election used a derivative of the Smartmatic software.

    Initially, I had misunderstood some comments here and I had thought they referred to Waldron. Thanks for explaining.

  84. vig says:

    longarch, thanks for the reference. Friend of lux.
    We definitively deal with two distinct issues here.
    a) election fraud as completely non-partisan issue, especially concerning electronic voting machines. But historically a complaint long before.
    b) in its most extreme version, the theory that the Democrats not only manipulated this election but actually have been doing this for decades.
    Concerning the Smartmatic – Dominion link, I would be interested in the expertise of someone that studied voting machines, the programs they use and used over the decades. From a purely technical perspective.
    It definitively is a niche product thus it is easy to understand there aren’t many competitors. On the other hand elections and especially counting is a rather monotonous manual matter. …
    What I am slightly wondering about at this point in time, or after all these years, would Colonel Lang accept the theory that there may be not so helpful cool-aiders around Trump too? Creating a lot of cacophonies?

Comments are closed.