Weather forecasts point to excellent conditions for Relativity Space’s third attempt at launching the world’s first 3D-printed rocket, currently set for late Wednesday from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. Space Force forecasters on Monday said weather around Launch Complex 16 should be 90% “go” for liftoff of Terran 1, a 110-foot rocket slated to become the first launch ever for Relativity. A three-hour window to fly opens at 10 p.m. EDT.
“Expect only a few clouds to be in the area on Wednesday and as a result, the primary weather concern will be the cumulus cloud rule,” Space Launch Delta 45 forecasters said Monday. Conditions should be “go” for spectators, too: 68 degrees, 78% humidity, and mostly gentle winds.
Since this first flight is a demonstration mission, Terran 1 will fly without a customer payload in the fairing. Two previous attempts were scrubbed due to a mix of technical, weather, and range issues – not uncommon during a new rocket’s debut attempt.
Comment: We’ll see if the third time is the charm. What makes this one unique is that it is the first 3D printed rocket.
Whether she or her sister ship , Terran-R, launch flawlessly or not, that humongous 3D printing platform they use to build rockets needs to be introduced into US industry.
They call it Stargate but it could revolutionize manufacturing here on earth. I suspect the funders are interested in that capability as much or more than launching stuff into orbit.
https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/relativity-space-unveilThree times is s-new-fourth-gen-stargate-3d-printer-technical-specifications-and-pricing-216149/
Damn fumble fingers. Correct link is here: https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/relativity-space-unveils-new-fourth-gen-stargate-3d-printer-technical-specifications-and-pricing-216149/
Hope this one works.
Hi sports fans. No sooner does President Xi leave Russian territory and guess what? People are wondering what the two gentlemen discussed at such length in private.
Seems a patient or two are being treated for Anthrax in Moscow, reportedly having arrived from Chuvashia. The term for Anthrax over there seems to be сибирская язва or Siberian plague or rash:
Признаки сибирской язвы выявлены еще у одного человека после двух случаев в Чувашии (Translation by bot below)
Signs of anthrax were detected in another person after two cases in Chuvashia
There is an update from 19:26 →
A patient with suspected anthrax was hospitalized in the Moscow region
Moscow. March 22. INTERFAX.RU – After infection with anthrax of two residents of Chuvashia, signs of the disease were revealed in another person, he is in another region and isolated, said the head of the republic Oleg Nikolaev on Wednesday.
“Yesterday, a certain malaise was revealed in a person who participated in the slaughter of a bull anthrax in the Tsivilsky municipal district. According to preliminary data, there are all signs that a man has contracted this disease. Unfortunately, he is not in the Chuvash Republic,” Nikolaev wrote in his telegram channel.
According to him, currently all measures have been taken within the framework of interaction between medical organizations in accordance with the regulations.
“The patient is isolated, under medical supervision. The tests are under research in the laboratory. We are ready to transport it to the republic in the near future in order to continue the necessary treatment here,” Nikolaev added.
Earlier it was reported that two residents of the Tsivilsky district of Chuvashia were diagnosed with anthrax. The patients are hospitalized, receive the necessary treatment, there is no threat to their lives. Persons in contact with them are under constant medical supervision and receive preventive treatment.
Disinfection was carried out in the focus of the disease. The settlement where it arose is monitored.
The Rosselkhoznadzor believes that the probable cause of the disease was the illegal court slaughter of an illegally purchased animal. Infection of people occurred through cuts on the hands when processing mascara, according to the service. The resulting meat and skin were sold to unknown people.
The Rosselkhoznadzor Department appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Chuvashia with a request to assist in investigating the origin of this animal and finding ways to move it.
On March 16, quarantine was introduced on the territory of the village of Staroe Aktashevo of the Tsivilsky municipal district, where cases of human infection with anthrax were detected.
On March 17, an emergency regime was introduced on the territory of the Tsivilsky municipal district. An action plan has been developed to eliminate the epizootic focus of anthrax and prevent the spread of the pathogen.
An earlier story on the 16th of March:
The probable cause of anthrax in Chuvashia could be the illegal slaughter of a bull in the farmstead
There is an update from 18:31 →
Signs of anthrax were detected in another person after two cases in Chuvashia
Moscow. March 16. INTERFAX.RU – A possible cause of anthrax in Chuvashia was the illegal court slaughter of an illegally purchased animal, the press service of the Rosselkhoznadzor reports.
“During the investigation of the anthrax outbreak in Chuvashia, which is currently being carried out by the territorial administration of the Rosselkhoznadzor together with the environmental prosecutor’s office, the fact of illegal court slaughter in one of the personal subsidiary farms of a bull that is not registered with the veterinary service was established,” the message reads. – According to the owner, the animal was purchased by the announcement, without veterinary accompanying documents. There was no vaccination against anthrax.”
It also turned out that the animal was haughtered due to the deterioration of its health. Veterinary and sanitary pre-slaughter examination was not carried out.
According to the service, the infection of people occurred through cuts on the hands when processing mascara. The resulting meat and skin were sold to unknown people.
But not to worry. Those of us old enough to remember will recall our own lizard overlords telling us that Anthrax was circulating in the United States right after Sept 11, 2001. And that didn’t lead to anything, right? No, not that I recall.
PS: Time to alert our gay and transexual military, don’t you think? According to the March 16 story above, the Anthrax may have been aquired due to incautious handling of mascara. I trust TTG will put out the Army equivalent of an APB in due time. 🚴🏿🚴🏿🚴🏿
F&L –
Neat way to hijack the thread. Russia had their share in the past also. 64 died out of 96 infected in Sverdlovsk. The source was an accidental airborne release of anthrax from a Soviet military microbiology facility upwind of the infections. Hmm, did Putin move that microbiology facility to Chuvashia?
And by the way five Americans died from Bacillus anthracis back in 2001. Another 17 got sick but recovered after long treatment. In all, 43 people tested positive for exposure to anthrax. And later in 2006/2007 a couple of drum-makers and drummers in NYC got sick with anthrax. Goat hide drumheads from Africa were the source.
F&L –
As for the mascara, it is in wide use by Putin’s Khadyrovites, Dagestanis and others in the Russian military. The Taliban use it also. Maybe that is where some of those Moscow poofs developed a fondness for nancy-boy action. Or maybe they picked it up from the former Russian colonies in the central-Asian -Stans. But most likely it dates back to the times during Stalin’s gulag and has continued. Prighozhin says it’s OK for his troops as long as they are the dominant one and not bending over themselves.
The practice may still be in the closet but is alive and well in the RF regardless of Putin’s claims. I just read an article from Human Rights Watch about the rapes of boy children in an orphanage in Chelyabinsk back in 2018/2019. That facility has been called a “sex concentration camp”. It was strictly man-on-boy pedophilia. Let us hope that none of the kidnapped Ukrainian children are sent there.
Thanks. I knew most of that about the Soviet anthrax and the American too. I was having a bit of fun with the conspiracy tin hat nitwit contingent no longer occupying the recessed portions of the woodwork these days unfortunately. I didn’t expect it would go far on a board of retired professional spooks and obviously it hasn’t.
In honor of better days, why not enjoy Alla Pugacheva again singing her immortal Madame Broshkina for Putin, Lukashenko and Kuchma (?) the former president of Ukraine, apologies if I misspelled his name. I think it’s in Minsk, years ago.
Alla Pugacheva – Madam Broshkina
Regarding the topic of suppression of homosexuality in Russia, in my opinion our media, especially the Times and New Yorker, are especially deceptive if not downright dishonest lying bastards. Witness Olga Seryabkina – Molly here – performing her Krasivie Malchik – Pretty Boy. She’s one of the most popular performing artists in Russia for years. Molly was a British term for male homosexuals and the song is about her discovering that a boy she was romancing turned out to be gay. You know the language so I won’t bother with translations which are easy to find online.
I won’t bother you either with my opinion of Masha Gessen. Colonel Lang was very candid about the hypocrisy on homosexuality in much of the world in which he specialized. The Soviets did use a different technology than ours in their biowar development, by the way, involving macrophages, if I recall.
Molly – Красивые Мальчик
Breaking news.
I didn’t realize that Governor Ron DeSantis sang Russian patriotic classics so beautifully in the Russian language, but evidently he is multitalented.
Les Choeurs de l’Armee Rouge Alexandrov – Kalinka
(The revelation begins at minute 1:00 approximately).
Evidence and Reference: Minute 1:35
Is a Ron DeSantis Presidency Inevitable?
So, you can count on my vote, Ron.
The rocket failed to reach orbit, but it sounds like they were ecstatic that the first stage made it through the point of max pressure. Too bad the second stage engine sputtered out. But that blue flame was different. What does it burn?
methane and oxygen
Or wiki says LNG and LOX. But i think natural gas is mostly methane.