“The United States called on Russia to immediately release Ukrainians it has forced out of their home country and allow outside observers, citing reports Moscow was putting Ukrainian children up for adoption and “disappearing” thousands of others.
“The unlawful transfer and deportation of protected persons is a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians and is a war crime,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday.
In a statement, Blinken said reports indicated Moscow was “deliberately separating Ukrainian children from their parents and abducting others from orphanages before putting them up for adoption inside Russia”, and also “detaining or disappearing thousands of Ukrainian civilians who do not pass ‘filtration.'”
Ukrainian officials have accused Russia of deporting hundred of thousands of people from Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine and forcing them into so-called “filtration camps”, and called for support from the Red Cross. read more
Moscow has denied intentionally targeting civilians since invading Ukraine on Feb. 24 in what it calls a special military operation, and says it is offering humanitarian aid to those wanting to leave the country.
The 1949 Geneva Conventions, which define international legal standards for humanitarian treatment in conflict, prohibit mass forcible transfers of civilians during a conflict to the territory of the occupying power, classifying it as a war crime.”
Comment: For those who know some history this will be reminiscent of Byzantine redistributions from time to time of captive populations that were deemed inconvenient in their original locations. It seems that the double headed bird which is the symbol of both Russia and the Byzantine Empire is not an accident of history. pl
U.S. calls for immediate halt to Russian deportations in Ukraine | Reuters
“…redistributions from time to time of captive populations that were deemed inconvenient in their original locations. ”
The Inca Empire did the same thing.
A Ukrainian woman on how she would rather live on Moscow controlled territory than Kiev controlled territory:
I believe the western news media is falsely accusing Russia of forced transfers to obfuscate the fact that many Ukrainians are choosing to go to Russia of their own free will.
James, I believe that the media is parroting the foreign power establishment.
French TVs show you are right.
Those who remain welcome the Russians as liberators (Lugansk and Donesk oblast). If the Russians ask them to be put in safety against an offensive Ukrainian return, they get on the buses voluntarily.
These are limited reports, probably we should not generalize.
But I am waiting for a convincing testimony from a Ukrainian woman who was deported with her child. Woman with child, it’s better for PR.
Remenber… not the Main, but incubator babies thing all over again.
There have been many Ukrainian speaking Ukrainians seeking Russian passports since the Russians took over the east. It’s been going on for weeks. One I saw was a senior military commander.
And why would Russia disappear Ukrainian children instead of being satisfied with ethnic cleansing? Just send Ukrainians from the Donbas to Kiev and you achieve ethnic cleansing
My country is lost because our MSM echoes govt propaganda without question. The more we let our govt lie, the more they will lie. Our narratives are getting more and more absurd. Just substitute, ‘Iran’ or ‘China’ whenever you hear ‘Russia’ and you have our next narrative.
Why? That’s what Moscow does. How many Crimean Tatars were deported? How many Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians? How many Poles and Germans were moved when Moscow decided to shift the whole of Poland to the west? Moscow are taking these Ukrainian children and giving them to Russian families. Are they trying to civilize the little savages like we did with native American children? I wish an ugly, painful pox on every last one of those sons of bitches responsible for these deportations.
The great democrat, FDR, depoted a lot of Japanese Americans into camps. The late Daniel Inouye, US Senator from Hawaii, was one them. Should we have a pox on all the democrats responsible for that?
And it’s a shameful chapter of our history as was our long campaign to eradicate native American people or at least their culture. They certainly thought they were doing the right thing at the time, but that’s where nationalism and fear of others gets you. It’s the human condition.
The human condition had the indian tribes in North America fighting one another for more than a thousand years. The same was true South of the Rio Grande all the way to Tierra del Fuego.
True. Why should we expect them to be different than every other people on Earth.
The United States treatment of Native Americans was terrible.
My research into American Colonial history and the Trail of Broken Treaties find it was the Dutch that made the earliest known break in a treaty in what is now New York area of North America. The treaty was made and broken within a two year time frame of the Colonial Era.
Look to the Spaniards in South America for atrocities to the Indigenous there.
The Church was no better – the programs to ‘reeducate’ indigenous peoples was world wide and predates the USA by a couple of centuries. It is also grim.
One bright note – something I like to think back on is a trail ride and indigenous ceremony made by a true descendant of Sitting Bull (at the 100 year anniversary of his death). As some know the Indigenous religions were outlawed in s right around the time of Sitting Bull’s death (in the late 1890) so he never had proper ceremony. This trail ride was to follow the last steps of the great leader and bring peace for him and his people.
Another bright note, around this same time as the trail ride and ceremony for Sitting Bull was that the Christian Methodist Church made invitation to other religious organizations to make a formal apology for the reeducation schools, and ceremony to recognize Indigenous religion. No other religious groups joined but the Methodist Church as a whole made this proper apology and recognition. It was well received.
I followed both these events closely – I have always known that when we can see a small change on the outside of a person it means a very large change has happened on the inside.
As mentioned above, the Byzantine’s erased a lot of culture by ‘disappearing’ them . It is an historical human behavior that we are all to aware needs to cease. Governments or Religions thinking they know better than mere individuals and running amok over the people is in tune with the Alama Mater of Mother Russia. I am not surprised by this ‘disappearing of Ukrainians’, saddened, not surprised.
As I asked in another post, the question still stands, “How do we get the Ukrainians back?’
Fred –
Senator Inouye never spent a day in an internment camp. He did spend some time at Camp Shelby in Mississippi for training when he was in the all-volunteer 442 Regimental Combat Team. After that most of his time was spent on the front lines in Italy and the Vosges mountains in Germany.
Oh, excuse me. Thanks for the clarification. Does that negate the fact that tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans were rounded up and interned by FDR’s order?
Those deportations were done by the Soviet Union, not Russia, and at that time Russians were a small minority in the Politburo. Since Stalin was a Georgian, are you going to blame Georgia for these deportations?
Peter Williams,
Modern Russia didn’t appear out of the blue when the Soviet Union collapsed. They inherited the security apparatus of the Kremlin as well as the nomenklatura of the KGB, formerly the NKVD. You forget Putin grew up in the KGB. It was the NKVD and NKGB that implemented all those Soviet era deportations.
So, how many people were deported by Russia since 1990?
The answer – zero.
At least 30,000. Several estimates put it as high as 200,000. Most are Crimean Tatars now registered as IDPs in Ukraine.
Stalin was Georgian. True, but who were all the non-Russians in the Politburo in those days. Perhaps if we knew that we would know who to blame. Who were they?
the security apparatus of the Kremlin as well as the nomenklatura of the KGB, formerly the NKVD
Bill, the man in charge of the NKVD in 1944 was the infamous Beria, a Georgian like Stalin. His precursor in the office before 1938 was a man with a Lithuanian mother. Did his mixed Russian-Lithuanian heritage make it easier for him to lead the NKVD through “the great purge” was somewhat easier for him?
Lenin deported 1000’s of Ukrainians to Western Siberia in the mid twenties. Do we have to guess his nationality? Maybe he rounded them all up and put them in rail cars himself? What a guy!
I remember once finding online a photo of a very young Lenin with full head of hair captioned “World’s most famous Chuvash”. I can’t find that photo now. But here is another photo of Lenin. I remember reading his mother was Chuvash and his father Russian.
Sir it seems that you have forgotten the ethnic cleansing of Tatars from Crimea was done during Russian ruler who took it from the Turks and that was I believe at least 200 years ago. Then the Russians had the Soviets who were basically Georgians/Ukranians/some Russians who did their fair share of ethnic cleansing. But modern Russia for the past 30 years had a pretty clean record. Oh by the way I hope you do remember Iraq was 300o miles from our shores, but good old Condi told us that Saddam was planning to create mush room clouds in NYC with Nuclear Weapons (Non-Existant). That is the reason the Global South is not condemning the Russians when they realized the hypocracy of the west. Thanks
You forget the May 1944 roundup of Crimean Tatars by the NKVD. Close to 200,000 were deported to the Uzbek SSR. Stalin did the same to the Chechens that year. Putin’s forced population movements in Crimea forced tens of thousands of remaining Tatars and other Muslims out since 2014. Now in Ukraine he gets to go all in on deportations rivaling Stalin. Putin’s one refinement over Stalin is no gulags.
What are your sources in this context:
Putin’s forced population movements in Crimea forced tens of thousands of remaining Tatars and other Muslims out since 2014.
It started in 2014 and is still continuing? You wrote since? How was this done. It’s not that Russia has no laws at all.
Were are they now. The Tatars, the “other” Muslims?
MR the pop. of Georgia in 1915 was approx 2,250M, uneducated rural people. Not withstanding Stalin, I doubt many were ideological communists. In early communist days Russian Jews were disproportionately represented in the party but not Georgians. So maybe Jews are to blame but not Russians?? As to Ukrainians, about 6MM of them were killed by the communist b/t ’30-33 during the Holodomore. I don’t believe Ukrainians were involved in plotting their own deaths or ethnic cleansing of others. In fact, prior to the NEP, proposed by Lenin, the Russian (Jewish?) communist forcibly moved 10oo’s of Ukrainians to western Siberia. Unless you have information here to for unknown, it is silly to blame Georgians and Ukrainians for Russian ethnic cleansing. It was a Russian effort to deal w/t “nationalities” problem. Russians were not the first to use it but there is no purpose in obscuring the truth about it.
I don’t believe Ukrainians were involved in plotting their own deaths or ethnic cleansing of others.
To some extent they were. Their nationalist part at least was. On one hand helping Hilter’s henchmen to hunt and kill Jews, and killing Poles following their own desires. And I would assume once in aq while their misguided communists/socialists brethren.
‘Because that is what Moscow does’ – TTG
In other words, believe any story as long as it fits a narrative; evidence not required.
Keep in mind that the source of the Reuter’s article is ONE Ukrainian official. Reuters added, ‘these claims could not be independently verified’ but as you know, Americans just catch the headline, not the disclaimer.
The Ukrainian official is not just saying that Russia is displacing Ukrainians (at least a plausible claim), he is saying that Russians are abducting Ukrainians. Even Joe Stalin, in the examples you gave, merely displaced the Polish, he didn’t kidnap them.
I can’t wait for a Ukrainian to say that Russians are using the blood of Ukrainian children in mystic rituals.
This is ethnics.plain and simple.bluebells grow better in a warm climate.
Ah ha you say
Whoever thought the hard nuts were redundant best think again
Poetry is the poor man’s mumble
When old stub came home
Said he had seen it all
From the mountains of shiaz
To the golden tomb
He could still tell a good tale
Around a fire set
The stars across the night
The whispering waters of the lake
In an Inn one night
He had heard talk of the bluebells
High up in the mountains
Passed the gates of hell
He set out the very next day
Travelled for many a moon
Crossed great rivers
Walked the way
Then one spring day
He came to the gates
There he read the words inscribed
Work shall set you free
On a white plateau
He saw the fields of bluebells
Each with numbers engraved
That stretched on for days
Old stub began to weep
In the quiet of the night
For a darkness deep
In the fields of blue and white
@Christian J. Chuba
I’ve never heard of Russians separating children from their parents. If they were to do such things, they would instantly lose the war. But they are not doing it and it’s not in their tradition. The similarity between Byzantine and Russia is a separate story.
TTG’s answer is emotional and one sided. Many of the deported Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Crimean Tatars were cooperating with the Nazis during WWII. The deportations were from Stalin’s point of view (at that time he solely decided the fates of hundreds millions of people, mostly Russians) a punishment. That doesn’t mean that they were not inhumane, but I’m pretty sure the Soviets didn’t separate children from their parents (if a parent went to the gulag, the kids would stay with the other parent).
Blinken had the chance to help avoid a war, and he chose not to take it.
Why would Stones, Lits, Lats, Finns, Ukies, Tatars, and Armenians all be helping the Nazis? Such mystery. Maybe, just a wild guess, these nationalities would do anything to be rid of their communist Russian oppressors? Just guessing.
Bill Roche,
There were some. One Lithuanian Forest Brother who became a fairly famous resistance hero was found to be an anti-semetic nationalist who willingly helped the Nazis in exterminating Jews before he became an anti-Soviet resistance fighter. His own daughter did the research and found this out. This guy also refused to raise a Lithuanian SS unit and was jailed by the Germans. The Finns ended up allied with the Germans to fight the Soviets. Germany had an entire Russian corps that fought the Soviet Army. Ukraine has Stepan Bandera. History is rarely all black or all white and is inevitably messy.
Separating children from their parents was a tradition in the Ottoman empire called Devshirme, where every few years some Orthodox Christian (Greeks, Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs, etc.) male children from the occupied territories were abducted and sent to Istanbul. They would fill in the formation called janissaries, which was in effect the elite Ottoman infantry. It was a sick and very painful tradition of the Ottomans, but even today many Muslim wise people try to whitewash it with the following sophistry – would you rather have y0ur son be a Grand vizier or a shephard. The answer is obvious, no one would want their child to be taken away from them.
Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven – John Milton, Paradise Lost
and Jovan P, you make the key point – the rest is sophistry
Jovan P
No one today maybe. I am sure there is a range of scholarly views on the subject, but the wiki on devshirme says this:
The Ottomans had some interesting ideas about succession planning too, but the bottom line is the system as a whole worked for over half a millennium.
Why do we concern ourselves with whether history is whitewashed or not, it ain’t gonna change the past? Our cultural inheritance comes down from a city state in which slavery and pederasty were an intrinsic part of the culture. IMO judging historic practices by contemporary moral standards should be accompanied by judging contemporary practices by historic moral standards. We’d learn a lot more about ourselves.
Barbara Ann,
You do make a point on judging, i.e. analyzing historical events of the past by today’s standards and vice versa and I fully agree.
Paradoxically, the janissaries were one component of the reasons for the Ottoman system longevity. They proved that, at least in the first few centuries of the Ottoman expansion, it was a merit based system, opposed to many European countries at that time.
Nonetheless, with all respect to the Ottoman empire history, devshirme was very brutal and left scars, as beautifully depicted in a Serbian song called Janicar (janissary), but I just can’t find one with English subtitles
“….Separating children from their parents was a tradition in the Ottoman empire ….”
And where else has it become a tradition?
I haven’t seen anything about separating children from parents, but the Russian Army and the Kremlin have openly spoken about deportations and/or evacuations.
“Moscow. June 18th. INTERFAX.RU – The Russian military reported that more than 1.9 million people, including over 307 thousand children, have been evacuated to Russia from dangerous regions of Ukraine, the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics since the end of February.
“Despite all the difficulties created by the Kyiv authorities, over the past 24 hours, without the participation of the Ukrainian side, 29,733 people, including 3,502 children, have been evacuated to the territory of the Russian Federation from dangerous regions of Ukraine and the Donbas republics. A total of 1,936,000 since the beginning of the special military operation, of which 307,423 are children,” Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, said at a briefing on Saturday.”
IO was referencing the southern border of the US. Some have been “adopted” with the permission of US judges. Never to see their parents again, who are grieving the loss of their child.
You know, I once investigated an adoption ring in Lvov. The hospital director would steal the baby and tell the mother it was stillborn. Then it entered into an underground railroad leading to the buyers, all of whom were desperate for a blond haired blue eyed baby they could call their own.
The market was the US and Germany and the complicity went right up through the cops and into the regional government. All getting their palms greased of course.
There was one particular incident in which a couple of American lawyers bought one of the babies but discovered he’d contracted meningitis en-route. When the couple realized this, a bit shy of the medical bills, they shipped him back to Ukraine because he could “get better medical care there.”
The little boy died alone in the corner of a hospital ward. Buried without mourners in a close by graveyard. He was five years old. I attended the grave along with my companion who remarked, “Do these Americans think the child is like a TV set, sent back if it doesn’t work properly?”
Nobody was ever charged with any of these crimes – of course – and business just went on as usual.
Btw, was there something wrong with my very accurate timeline of events in my other post?
Ah, now I see. You were referring to the deliberate policy of separating children from their families at our southern border. That was a deliberate policy of cruelty and terror designed to frighten away those attempting to cross our border seeking either asylum or simply illegal entry. Thankfully it was a short lived policy, but with lasting consequences. Those who created that policy deserve the same fate as other vile human traffickers, as do those who carried out that policy. The “I was only following orders” defense shouldn’t carry any more water than it did at Nuremberg.
Human trafficking of all kinds including the adoption ring activities you witnessed and the prostitution trade flourished in Eastern Europe and the FSU. Our southern border and Central America is rife with traffickers in refugees. Elsewhere in the world exploitative trafficking in labor seems to keep the world economy humming along. I salute you for at least trying to do something about this scourge.
” a deliberate policy of cruelty and terror ”
That was policy under Obama too.
“The “I was only following orders” defense shouldn’t carry any more water than it did at Nuremberg.” Does that start with Barack?
“vile human traffickers,”
How does a border patrol officer, or a member of the MSM, determine if a group of people are actually a family or not?
“refugees” You mean all those people who want to flee the economic policies of leftist governments in Central and South America? We should be regime changing those places rather than trying to do that to Russia.
The double-headed eagle was widely used from time immemorial. It was used by the Austrian Empire too, among multitude of others.
A double headed eagle is pretty cool but very few countries gave up on the chance to have a Turkey!!
Shakespeare already knew why. 😉
(aside) O, peace! Contemplation makes a rare turkey-cock of him. How he jets under his advanced plumes!
Turkey – turkey. It feels I never spent a single thought on that. Truthahn (hahn=cock) – Türkei, for me.
Blinken is making this sweeping charge in an official capacity. This is significant. He’s furthering the destruction of diplomatic pathways for reduction/cessation of the conflict. And also laying the groundwork for deepening U.S. involvement in the Ukraine. conflict, whatever that might entail.
PL…Interesting Data..Good Post…No Doubts It True..Typical Russian Response..Propoganda…Talk Back Lies…Like The Current System here..
The Historical Events were Brutal..And Constant…Hooks in Lips…Person to Person..
Putin is a Resurrected Ancient Emperor….The “Leader:’ As He Now Wants to Be Called..
The so called emperor has an approval rating of around 80%, can you tell me which leader in the west (past and present) had such approval ratings? With all the manufactured news I doubt any western leader can only dream of such approval.
Der Führer circa 1939 ?
Roosevelt won 4 times b/t ’32-44. I imagine his approval rating was above 70%.
How about proof? This war, as all the other NATO-wars, causes wide spread displacement of people. Even Porochenko and his family were seen in London, displaced from their homeland. It has become an industry where one can make serious money if you play your cards right. Before the war started, but with increased artillery activity from the Ukrainian side already underway, the local authorities in the LPR and DPR advised civilians to move to Russia. Did the Russian authorities who accommodated these refugees deport these people? Or did they save them from being killed by Ukrainian shelling? Which Ukrainians are we talking about here?
Jake, it seems necessary to remind you, again, that Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia started the war, not Ukraine and not NATO.
Bill, I fail to discover any proof of the displacement Russia is accused of in your reply.
I do acknowledge that Russia invaded Ukraine. We do not have a difference of opinion as far as that is concerned. Yet we are probably at odds about how this war came about, which started with a coup planned and executed by the team around Victoria Nuland in 2014, which resulted in the removal of the elected president, and a civil war. The civil war ended with the Minsk Accord, which was never implemented. Instead numerous NATO officials and former president Porochenko bragged about how they used the eight years since to turn Ukraine into a well oiled, well trained fighting machine, with eyes on taking the Donbas by force, and Crimea as well. On the day NATO predicted the Russians would invade, it was Ukraine which started pumping up the volume with increased attacks on the area held by the LPR and DPR, as reported by the OCSE. Increased attacks compared to what was ‘usual’ over the past eight years, killing 14.000 people. To list the area, and Ukraine, as a country at peace with its neighbors is a stretch. And that is the understatement of the year. Several observers, including myself, consider Ukraine to be a hired hand in a geopolitical struggle with NATO calling the shots. I moved on from blaming the country or organization which fired the first shot since western countries went to war all the time, without provocation, and I’m trying to dig deeper to find the root causes of a conflict.
But this topic is about Russia displacing people by force, and I do not see any proof at all. Only some Ukrainian spokesperson telling us.
Jake ur wrong about the russo/ukr war. It began in 1900. Galitzia asked the Austrian govt for autonomy – no go. Eastern Ukraine asked the Czar – no go. Ukraine fought for independence from the Russians again in ’18 and again when the Nazis invaded in ’41. Many Ukrainians allied the Nazis w/t to get rid of the Russians (btw so did Finns, Balts, and Armenians; were they all Jew haters too?) To no avail. The Ukrainians tried again in ’45, and finally declared independence in ’91. I should bet on the horses b/c a knew, dead certain, that this war would occur (again) I just d/n know when. You think eastern European history began in 2014. Its history is as old as western European. Why Jake, do the Swedes, Finns, Balts, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Poles, Hungarians, Bulgarians, and Romanians still fear a resurgent Russian Empire? Some say “oh forget the past, the future is now'” But history leaves marks on the minds of men. In eastern Europe the mark has been Russian domination since Peter and non Russians don’t want that back. 2014 d/n cause this, national independence did. In 2022 nationalism remains.
I think you mentioned you were Dutch? The Dutch have not had their independence questioned since Spain said they owned the Netherlands. That’s over four hundred years ago. Eastern Europeans live with this fear daily.
Bill, I don’t know which history classes you took, but this abbreviated version you shared with us left out a rather large number of noteworthy facts. Allow me to begin with the Netherlands living in peace with its neighbors since they drove out the Spanish occupiers. In the second WW Holland was occupied by Nazi Germany, after the Germans bombed Rotterdam to smithereens. I belong to those Dutch who lost family in that struggle, and with family members in camps, among which my own grandfather, who survived that ordeal. Others joined the resistance. So I tend to label this period as a loss of independence. Though I grant you that we had our own ‘Banderite’ groups working closely with the Germans who considered Holland liberated.
Apart from that episode, we had the Brits and the French paying us a visit as uninvited guests since the Spanish occupation ended. And the country used to include Belgium, which divorced us in 1830, cutting the country in half. That struggle lasted almost a year, and not a shot was fired between the two since. The analogy with the two parts of Ukraine, one leaning towards the west, and the other towards Russia, is striking, I’d say. Why not separate the two (Minsk II), and call it a day? Because, as in so many high stakes divorces today, the ‘Kiev’ lawyers, in ‘Washington’, ‘London’ and ‘Brussels’ (both EU and NATO), urge ‘Kiev’ to destroy the former partner. These same lawyers are to blame for making a mess of that marriage right from the start in 1991. An orange color revolution and a coup sealed the fate of that marriage vow.
I acknowledge the fact that history didn’t start in 2014. But the ugly divorce did. And ‘Team Nuland’ was to blame. But where do we find a solution? Not in perpetual war, like NATO is envisioning, I hope. That would be brain-dead stupid, and economic suicide.
Like I mentioned previously on this website, Ukraine and Russia, as well as many of the other countries involved, from Finland down to the Black Sea, were once the country of Kievan Rus. If you can call it a country at all, because it was rather chaotic.
I’ll leave you to it to trace the history of Ukraine within that troubled country, and how it related to Russia. You may discover some odd facts.
Just one more little titbit. Russia has seen multiple invasions from the west. Not just Napoleon, and the Germans. Between the two world wars the Brits and the French, with the Americans and Japanese fought on Russian soil. And before the Second World War ended, Churchill had this wonderful plan to finish what Hitler started. He called it ‘Operation Unthinkable’
Just in case you were serious when you listed Russia as an imperialist power.
Off topic but it appears that possibly First Lady Dr Jill Biden was onto something when she said that members of a certain extremely diverse group of individuals (her husband’s insight) were: As Unique as Tacos.
Suspect Is Arrested in Ohio After Rape of 10-Year-Old Girl
“Gerson.” Where have I heard that name before? Not here, not exactly:
That’s Joshua. Biggest heist of cia documents in history.
Well, at least justice is being served. Who was that other guy pardoned by the only other president with a name beginning with “T r u m” other than my depraved dad’s favorite Harriet Truman? (Harriet wrote daddy a thank you note in 1946 for his service as a navigator of four engine aircraft during el big one) verifying in one further small insignificant gesture that he, let’s say, had a lapse of judgement occasionally.
Yes. Jonathan. As in Jonathan Jay Pollard.
The Byzantines actually redistributed people, but mostly these were not captive people, but tribes who would come to their lands. They did it for defensive purposes (perhaps sometimes for offensive also) and the transfer sometimes took place from the european to the asian part of Byzantine and vice versa. Sometime this would help these tribes (if they were running away from some bigger tribe), but I suppose it would also have cruel results (diseases and etc.). The Byzantines, who called themselves Romans, were very skillful diplomats which is why the wester powers (mostly the city states od Venice, Genoa, etc.) despised them. Even modern Russian cartoons depict Byzantine emperors as somewhat sly.
Historically there is no reason to treat Byzantine as some evil empire. They had their downsides (e.g. during the nika revolt tens of thousands of people were killed) and times of cruelty (according to the legend the Byzantine emperor Basil II Porphyrogenitus gave the order to blind every 99 from 100 defeated Bulgar soldiers). But they built the Hagia Sophia, started manufacturing silk (their agents stole the secret from the Chinese), pushed the development of the Renaissance with many scholars and artist who fled to the Italian cities after the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans.
Most importantly, the Byzantine, with God’s help, consolidated and preserved Orthodox Christianity.
It’s trully amazing that so many Americans and Europeans strongly believe this deportation and kids kidnapping stories. It would not be less amazing if Russians would believe that hundreds of thousands of Americans were being forcibly deported to Canada or something. Luckily, Russians are a lot more aware and educated.