We shall continue with style

Several years ago, Colonel Lang reminded me of this quote from “The Eiger Sanction.” I don’t remember what we were talking about, but it stuck with me since then. Many of you wonder if this blog will continue. That was Colonel Lang’s wish. Therefore, we shall continue with style.


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13 Responses to We shall continue with style

  1. Sam says:


  2. Master Slacker says:

    I may be a tested veteran turned flaming liberal but yes, this site should continue with style. Thank You.

  3. Whitewall says:

    Thank you. I learn a great deal here.

  4. d74 says:

    Hearts up.

  5. Lars says:

    That is very good news and will continue Col. Lang’s efforts of illumination.

  6. English Outsider says:

    TTG – I was dumbfounded when I read of the Colonel’s death. I’d expected him back eventually, giving us those wide ranging insights and keeping the pilgrims in order. I can think of none better qualified than you and your colleagues to keep up the tradition of this unique site and was relieved when I read you intended to do so. How will the running costs get sorted out? Do you need contributions to cover those? If so, some indication of amount needed would be useful.

    • TTG says:


      I was also dumbfounded. He was home although he never did get a definitive diagnosis that I know of. My last conversation with him was about him moving to more of a chairman emeritus overseeing the blog and occasionally visiting some literary fire and brimstone upon us all. I’m so glad we were laughing during our last call.

      As for the mechanics of running the blog, I have no idea. I was never involved in that part, but others were. We’ll figure it out.

      • Deap says:

        I recall there was an annual appeal to “feed the birds”, and we all pitched in online donations.

        • LeaNder says:

          Long time no see?

          Deap, the Californian (?) obsessed with the teachers unions as the ultimate evil collective election force in the US of A.???? How would Pat have characterized you? Now that I really would love to know. He banned you at one point? I cannot imagine. You are not one of those that likely ever slipped in undercover?

          But then you did not like the Blogs’s currant/Ukrainian shift … ????

          • Deap says:

            The good man kicked me off. But I continued to follow, because of the immense value added by his stern censorship. I offended his welcome. But that was always his right. I respected what he did, and how he did it.

  7. walrus says:

    I suggest that this blog should continue as a living memorial to Col. Lang – if the Committee can work out how to maintain the Colonels editorial spirit ….. and avoid drinking the numerous flavors of Kool Aid that present themselves.

    Would Col. Lang have approved?

  8. jim ticehurst.. says:

    This is Pat Langs Website….A Warrior….And Veteran of Extraordinary STYLE…
    I Think Colonel Lang must have had Good Reasons For Being Sensitive On Certain
    Issues…From His Own Experiences,,,War..Death..Command…Control.
    .The Value of
    LIFE…And Those who Take it. .If He Felt a Matter..Person or Comment ..or Command..up or down..
    was STUPID…He Said So…He was What Every General Officer Should Be..Like

    There must be Those Close To Pat…who know Why He Was Sensitive, Touchy..
    Why He ,,Believed That People or Institutions.. Could Be “Idiots”…

    When I Think of Pat Lang..I Think of a Leader Who Earned His “BOOTS”..and Knew His History..and He told it Well..

    This Web Site Should Continue in His Honor..With His Memory..And His Pltform..
    and I Have Faith That TTG..and Harper..Will Do That..Cuz They …
    Loved The “OLD MAN” too..

  9. Barbara Ann says:


    I have just read the news of the Colonel’s death, my deepest condolences to Marguerite and his family.

    In the few short years I ‘knew’ the Colonel through his blog and writings he had a disproportionately large impact on my life and I am not too proud to describe him as intellectual as well as a moral father-figure. He taught me so much.

    Col. Lang was a great soldier and American patriot, the epitome of the American Scholar and in the most noble sense of the word a truly great man.

    RIP Antar.

    I am pleased to hear the blog will continue, best wishes to all.

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