Category Archives: Administration


It is slightly over a year since the founder of this Committee of Correspondence, Col. W. Patrick Lang, passed away. TTG has done a yeoman’s job of maintaining this blog in the spirit of his friend and colleague Pat Lang, … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 14 Comments

The Nicest Sense of Personal Honor – TTG

Qualifications of a Naval Officer It is by no means enough that an officer of the Navy should be a capable mariner. He must be that, of course, but also a great deal more. He should be as well a gentleman … Continue reading

Posted in Administration, TTG | 36 Comments

Site was down

The site went down late last Friday, surely the most inopportune time for such things. Nothing nefarious. Just a software glitch. TTG

Posted in Administration | 10 Comments


Since 12 June this website was just flat gone. Neither the URL, nor the associated IP address were reachable. All my efforts timed out. I hoped it would be a temporary ISP technical hiccup or just another DDOS attack. Both … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 39 Comments


We maintain and continue this committee of correspondence in memory of our founder and mentor, Colonel W. Patrick Lang. The image to the right is Marcus, a character from William S. Burroughs’s “The Coming of the Purple Better One.” Colonel … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 12 Comments

We shall continue with style

Several years ago, Colonel Lang reminded me of this quote from “The Eiger Sanction.” I don’t remember what we were talking about, but it stuck with me since then. Many of you wonder if this blog will continue. That was … Continue reading

Posted in Administration, TTG | 13 Comments

In for maintenance – TTG

I talked with Colonel Lang a short while ago. He is in hospital for what I would call depot level maintenance. He is in good spirits and will return. His instructions are to carry on with this committee of correspondence. … Continue reading

Posted in Administration, TTG | 21 Comments


I had to buy a new computer. The old one was dropped. Put some money in the pot if you wish. Strictly a gift to the blog. It buys you nothing. I get offers every day to sell out. The … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 13 Comments

A court order grants the DOJ motion to unseal “limited” materials on the search warrant run on the Trump property. But what will be disclosed?

By Robert Willmann Here is the court order that grants the motion by the Department of Justice filed yesterday, 11 August 2022. The government’s motion, submitted after Attorney General Merrick Garland’s cheesy statement he read earlier that day, is entitled: … Continue reading

Posted in Administration, Current Affairs, government, Justice, Politics | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

Newsweek magazine: AG Merrick Garland on the FBI raid at Trump’s Florida residence. “Huh? I know nothing, Man.”

By Robert Willmann You cannot make this stuff up. Newsweek magazine published an article on 10 August 2022 at 10:03 a.m. eastern time that would make S.J. Perelman grin [1]. It is entitled “Exclusive: An Informer Told the FBI What … Continue reading

Posted in Administration, Current Affairs, government, Justice, Politics | Tagged , , , , | 31 Comments