“What the fossilized footprints found last week say about early humans in North America” Oregonlive

Indians? Maybe.

“Fossilized footprints discovered in New Mexico indicate that early humans were walking across North America around 23,000 years ago, researchers reported Thursday.

The first footprints were found in a dry lake bed in White Sands National Park in 2009. Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey recently analyzed seeds stuck in the footprints to determine their approximate age, ranging from around 22,800 and 21,130 years ago.

The findings may shed light on a mystery that has long intrigued scientists: When did people first arrive in the Americas, after dispersing from Africa and Asia?

Most scientists believe ancient migration came by way of a now-submerged land bridge that connected Asia to Alaska. Based on various evidence — including stone tools, fossil bones and genetic analysis — other researchers have offered a range of possible dates for human arrival in the Americas, from 13,000 to 26,000 years ago or more.” Oregonlive

Comment: What is an “Indian?” We have been conditioned to believe that the peoples we call “native Americans” are an ethnic group from whom we “stole” the Americas. This is baloney. In fact they are many nations, distinct from each other genetically and linguistically. Their customs vary widely. They were and are as distinct as groups as ethnic nations are in Africa or Central Asia. For example, anyone who thinks the various “nations” of Afghanistan are one people is just wrong.

My ancestors started interacting with “native Americans” in the early 17th Century in what is now New England. Sometimes the Indians were friends and allies and at other times the colonists were at war with some groups but always they had “Indian” allies numbered in the hundreds from other groups (tribes).

Were the people who left these fossilized tracks “Indians?” All too often ancient remains in North America have been claimed by some “Indian” group or other as ancestors often after court battles. This is a sad deluded political joke. pl


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16 Responses to “What the fossilized footprints found last week say about early humans in North America” Oregonlive

  1. TTG says:

    There were several waves of human movement into the New World. The last two were the Na Dene peoples and the Innuit. Even to call these people Native Americans is a misnomer since they all came from somewhere else. But, for the most part, they came into lands devoid of human habitation. They came over the Beringia land bridge and maybe an ice bridge as well. Maybe there was an earlier migration over the Pacific by the ancestors of the Polynesians. I haven’t looked at the time lines involved or any archeological evidence, but, hell, it’s a theory.

    Indians is also a misnomer, but not the popular story of Columbus mistaking the tribes he encountered as inhabitants of India or the Indies. Neither of those names were know in Columbus’ times. This explanation of the term is from iloveancestry.com.

    ““In the Latin language of ecclesiastics and royalty of the time, [the] “People or Children Of God”, as Spaniards often referred to the Indigenous, translates freely as “Los Ninos’ de la Endeo” and consequently, Los Ninos de la Indios” [ more-literally “children of God”]; “En de o” [freely] “of God. No country, land, sea or people in the world were named “India” prior to 1492.”

    In any case, they were all here before the Europeans began the Great Replacement.

    • Pat Lang says:

      “In any case, they were all here before the Europeans began the Great Replacement.” So what? Surely you are not trying in a backhanded way to maintain that the Indians were a (one) people whom the original European settlers dispossessed of two continents. Or alternatively are the army of Biden’s illegals seeking to dispossess the present population of America?

      • TTG says:

        It was a backhanded way to point out the absurdity of the current hue and cry over the Great Replacement. The continents of North and South America weren’t empty slates when the Europeans came in. There were a multitude of nations with their own cultures, their own treaties, alliances and wars. We Europeans replaced all that. It wasn’t a grand conspiracy by a cabal of European deep staters. It just happened for numerous reasons. It’s the same with the current demographic changes.

        The Native American tribes and nations didn’t want to be displaced by Europeans any more than we (former) Europeans want to be replaced by all those coming here and breeding here. We’re changing due to demographics, technology, economic patterns, etc. We can certainly manage the change better to maintain what we have, but the change is coming.

        • Leith says:

          Thought I sensed that backhanded allusion.

          Wasn’t Le Grand Dérangement of French-speaking Catholics from Acadia and northern Maine and replacing them with New Englanders one of the original great replacements? And then a hundred plus years ago there was a panic by anglo saxons in New England that they were being replaced by the Irish, Italians, Greeks, Armenians, and Jews. And now the latest “Great Replacement” is the conspiracy theory and manifesto of the genocide of Europeans expounded by terrorist Anders Breivik who murdered 77, mostly children.

    • Fred says:


      “the Europeans began the Great Replacement.”

      They, including many of my ancestors, came here and created a civilization that is so good that even Haitians, Afghans, Somalis and dozens of others want to get into it.

  2. Babeltuap says:

    Lots of evidence proving they came from Asia and surrounding island hopping over thousands of years. Either blown off course or exploring. China had the largest navy at one point and also invented the compass, paper and gunpowder. Unfortunately for them they shutdown and locked up. Europeans took those inventions and improved upon them and were able to conquer the landmass. Now they want to push out again…meh. Not happening with communism. Who is going to have the incentive to invent with that form of Government.

  3. Ahmed Fares says:

    An interesting article from the Daily Mail:

    First humans who crossed the Bering Strait some 15,000 years ago had indigenous Australian DNA that is now found in the bloodline of South America tribes, study finds

    Researchers propose the ancestry stems from early Australians who integrated with the first Americans who made the long journey from Asia over the Bering Strait Land Bridge some 15,000 years ago.

    The genetic analysis also showed these individuals may have clung to the Pacific coast while traveling through North America, which may explain why natives in the US do not have the genetic markers.


  4. fakebot says:

    I always wondered if it was a seafaring people rather than travelers by foot who were the first to land. Is it a sensible wager people originating from Polynesia might have been the first settlers to these parts?

    On another note, I’m in awe of the early European colonialists who settled in these lands. Some of these tribes were welcoming, but some were very hostile. The brutality of the Comanches was horrific.

    • Pat Lang says:


      SWMBO, a skilled genealogist, reminds me constantly that the leaders and stakeholders in the Massachusetts Bay colony were people of substance in England who signed on for the New World and its hardships.

    • Deap says:

      Some of the Alaska native peoples insist their oral tradition claims they came by boat; not by land.

      Allegedly the land bridge was so wide many of the migrating populations has no idea it was a bridge between two continents, as well as this land bridge migration took place over 35,000 years very incrementally as foraging necessitated moving into new territory.

      Plus how long did it take for this newly emerged land bridge to become vegetated and supportive of wild life?

      The last I heard was genetic tracing went back to Taiwan for the origins for what are called North American native peoples. The Great Polynesian Migration took place much later, but who knows what migrations preceded recordable history.

      Man and movement – relentless. As we are caught up in as we speak on our southern borders – no different than Atilla the Hun or the Visigoths?

      Ironically, must migration movement was due to “climate change” long, long, long before the Industrial Revolution. Droughts, river courses changed, harbors silting up, flooding, fires, earthquakes …relentless. Disease, famine, relentless.

  5. Deap says:

    In California we are constantly beaten up by the Indian casino big money crowd that we are living on their stolen land. They claim they were here first 13-15000 years ago.

    And for those alleged 13,000 years they remained hunter gatherers, domesticated no animals, harnessed no water energy, developed no written language, never developed agriculture, and “owned” only what they could defend from other warring tribal groups.

    They remained stuck in the most primitive level of existence and never once did they develop a formal land ownership operation including measurements or recording offices. Any claims they “owned this land first” is bogus. They just showed up and took it. Not unlike every other early settler.

    This new discovery may well prove it is those now claiming superior ownership rights in fact stole the land from the White Sands Footprint people. 23 and Me proof please if you are related. Or else cough it up, Chumash and apply your same arguments to yourself now.

    BTW: it is rumored the small Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians which number only a few hundred qualifying members who have the local Chumash Indian Casino franchise rake in $300K per month per member.

    They now swagger about town because in the good old American way, money talks. And a fool and his money are soon parted as they prove monthly when they distribute their gambling receipts to their very select group of official members.

    Even more duplicitously their federal gambling agreement requires a certain percentage of their profits be turned over to local communities to compensate them for the impact of their new commercial activities – crime, traffic, prostitution, alcohol …etc.

    Yet these required contributions are already presented as “charitable donations” by this Indian casino crowd in a massive public relations operation. Ignoring the wrecked lives of those who “voluntarily” contributed to this gambling scam, where the house always wins.

    Adding more to the story of what has gone wrong in California besides open borders, sanctuary cities, Democrat super-majority and political control by the teachers unions. Add being the largest pot growing operation in America and the massive wealth transfer often by those who can least afford it to the Indian casino cabal.

  6. blue peacock says:

    It appears with each new fossil finding or some other technical method our theories of so many things change. But what I find fascinating is the certitude with which the current purveyors of The Science proclaim whatever agenda they’re pushing.

    The medical area is one of the worst in this regard. Fat is bad. Fat is good. Masks don’t work. Masks work.

    There is no humility in The Science considering how little they actually know in the larger scheme of things. What happened that we no longer have folks like Feynman??

  7. Leith says:

    I don’t gamble except for an occasional nickel dime Friday night poker game with friends. But I sometimes take SWMBO to an Indian Casino so she can play the slot machines. Better she gives her quarters to the Umatilla or the Chumash rather than the Mafia in Las Vegas. At least they use the proceeds to build houses, schools, roads, and fund health care and education; instead of using it for loan sharking, drug-trafficking, prostitution, and fraud as the Mafiosi do. And for sure it is better than on-line gambling where the money disappears down a black hole in an overseas tax haven.

    BTW, donations to local off-reservation communities is dictated state by state not the feds. In order to build a casino a tribe “must work and negotiate with the state in which it is located.” It differs in each of the 30 states that allow Indian gaming.

  8. Eric Newhill says:

    Looks like some of those old timers only had four toes.

  9. English Outsider says:

    The Luther Cressman video was fascinating. For itself but also because it summoned up a pre-woke America. That was a sort of archaeology too, watching how it used to be.

    The resistance to his theories was reminiscent of the opposition to Wegener or Semmelweiss. No one more resolute than an academic defending his turf and similar institutional resistance to new ideas today has led pretty well to the atrophy of several disciplines, notably economics but also anthropology. Ironically Cressman was married, briefly but amicable briefly it seems, to Margaret Mead, who with Boas set the foundations for the cultural atrophy we’re now stuck in. Maybe Cressman’s age was for some not so much pre-woke as early woke.

    “‘I’ll not leave you unless I find someone I love more’, said Mead to Cressman during their marriage. Must have been a consolation for Cressman, in that ground breaking research, that he found something a bit more permanent to spend his life with. Not that he wasn’t something of an ornery bastard himself, from the hints dropped in that video. Could have been a divorce made in Heaven, then. You do see those sometimes.

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