A judge reverses himself on a restraining order in the Sidney Powell case in Georgia


By Robert Willmann

Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood (pictured), and other attorneys, filed lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan about voting fraud.  The Georgia case was filed on Wednesday, 25 November 2020.  On Friday, the 27th, they filed a request for an emergency restraining order because, in part:  "On November 27, 2020, Union County officials advised that they are going to wipe the voting machines of all data and bring the count back to zero on Monday, November 30, 2020.  Resetting the machines would destroy relevant evidence now existing on each voting machine. This cannot be allowed."–


Today, 29 November, the federal district judge issued a temporary restraining order to prevent the wiping or resetting of any voting machines in the State of Georgia until further order of the court–


But then later he reversed himself, and entered another order saying that because the machines were in the possession of county election officials and not the named defendants of the state, "to the extent Plaintiffs seek emergency relief to impound and preserve the voting machines, that request is denied"–


These orders are not yet in the court clerk's file, but they appear to come from Lin Wood today.  I have not yet gone through papers in Powell's cases in Georgia and Michigan, and have only skimmed the first document that started the lawsuit, and it is designed well.  However, this development today, in light of the possible destruction of evidence in electronic voting or counting machines, or both, is important to know.

Lin Wood is also the party in another case in Georgia attacking voting fraud, and he is represented by a law firm in Atlanta.  I have been reading papers filed in that case, which began on 13 November 2020.  The trial judge denied a temporary restraining order on 20 November, and Wood is appealing that decision to the federal Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.


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21 Responses to A judge reverses himself on a restraining order in the Sidney Powell case in Georgia

  1. turcopolier says:

    We, non globalist Americans, are screwed. I will conduct myself on the basis of that conviction.

  2. Deap says:

    They can always claim …water damaged …. the electronic files from the infamous burst pipe. They are not even embarrassed by the appearance of impropriety. Leave to amend to include the necessary parties, no John Does among the defendents?
    Ooops, we already distroyed – we did not get the message. So sorry.
    You would think those in charge of elections, state and/or county, would be preserving every scrap of evidence just to prove their elections in fact were as pure as driven snow.
    This is a very, very short statute of limitations in preserving critical election data – before the electoral college even meets? Before parties have exhausted all remedies.
    Something is rotten in the state of Georgia. Don’t forget this state has been under federal Voting Rights Act observation for years, due to their prior Democrat Party Jim Crow abuses.

  3. O.B. says:

    Above all, there is truth, honesty and objectivity. Time is running short for our heroes, who are trying to revive comatose democracy (in general, since this is a globalised event; if fact, America has indeed been a global dream; not the only one, mind you, it happens whenever big ideas are invoked at the birth of a project). Even in the event of their failure, their case must be documented in the benefit of the efforts of others.
    Knowledge is a passion for a small percentage of mankind. Those few play however a disproportionate role.

  4. Parj says:

    it seems the tree of liberty is thirsty

  5. Fred says:

    So rigging elections and erasing the evidence is okay with federal judges. If only L Lin Wood had sued in all 159 in Georgia, then 158 of them could say he didn’t reside there so he had no standing to sue. No wonder it took Rosa Parks so long to get a seat at the front of the bus.

  6. longarch says:

    I hope you will share your opinion of General Thomas McInerney and whether he is credible. If McInerney is credible, the situation is very different from that reported in the mainstream news.
    Thank you.

  7. longarch says:

    I have been told that Gen. McInerney is a friend of Gen. Mike Flynn. If this is a relationship of sincere trust, confirmation would elevate McInerney in the eyes of many Americans who revere Gen. Flynn.

  8. jo says:

    Robert, I just followed that development.
    The emergency motion is a shorter summery of the earlier complaint. It contains back references, which surely was helpful for the judge. Timothy C. Batten, jr. A Bush jun nominee.
    Lin Wood is listed under Team Krakens lawyers. What I am wondering at the moment is, is there an official court file database so everybody can follow the files? That would be nice. Sadly Pennsylvania has no Sunshine Law. The hearing might be interesting to watch.

  9. O.B. says:

    I am not an American, and I am not a globalist. Generally. However, being non-American, and being interested for what is going on on the US, can only be explained by being motivated by things that transcend borders. Like the concept of democracy.
    I guess what I am trying to say is that while my previous post may not have been sanguine enough, and that alone could be a great reason not to accept it, the person who send it was not another global fascism drone.
    Therefore, it must be stated that the concept of borders itself is not just very important, but it is fundamental. I have seen democracy disappear throughout Europe, as borders have collapsed. And it is well known that the US lacks proper borders.

  10. JohninMK says:

    You have to wonder how many other machines have already been wiped, sorry ‘had their software updated’, I bet its most of them.
    Nothing to do with track covering of course, just following the instructions in the approved operating manual.

  11. lux says:

    You have to wonder how many other machines have already been wiped, sorry ‘had their software updated’, I bet its most of them. …
    Posted by: JohninMK | 30 November 2020 at 06:19 AM

    One can of course hope the other side makes a significant mistake like preventing the conservation of the necessary data for 22 month post election but maybe shouldn’t expect it? Who was in charge of the Dominion-Georgia contract, what does it look like, what does it cover?
    The officials in charge of matters just as Dominion were completely oblivious of US and state election laws when they bought or sold the electronic Dominion voting systems?
    Wiping, resetting means the whole legally necessary evidence trail is gone? (The resetting routine also takes care of a) physical manipulation of the respective machine? b) Erases the evidence how the machine was manipulated online?)
    My question would be: Is the hardware used during the election, except for Dominion hardware or the machines to be reset, in use elsewhere in the Georgia administration during non election times? Nothing voting law covers? To what extent could that complicate matters?

  12. lux says:

    Nothing voting law covers?
    Supreme Court?

  13. Christian J. Chuba says:

    I know that it’s easy to look at this as willful destruction of evidence but these same machines are going to be used for the runoff election in about a month. If they don’t reset the memory cards and have them inspected or whatever audit they do then people will say, ‘aha- a stash of leftover votes for the Democrat was used to steal this election for the Senate’
    I did read the PDF’s but I’m not going to pretend that I understand the legal jargon but it looked like they were going to wipe the memory cards on the voting machines but they still have the paper ballots that they generated.
    In Powell’s 104pg filing https://defendingtherepublic.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/COMPLAINT-CJ-PEARSON-V.-KEMP-11.25.2020.pdf
    The only one that looked even a little interesting to me was the claim that the barcode on the printed ballot did not match the user readable portion, so why not just verify that? Perhaps that was already done during the re-count, don’t know. I did not see anything that would obstruct that.

  14. Barbara Ann says:

    As I do not believe that you have a defeatist bone in your body, I can only assume that your “[we] are screwed” comment is an attempt at entrapment. It is far from over and as other contributors here have speculated, it may be that Trump has ‘the goods’ on the fraudsters (via FISA warrants or otherwise) and Kraken is merely a showman’s distraction while the mother of all denouements is being prepared.
    I am hopeful that this is the case, that Trump ran for office with a genuine desire to save America from the globalists and the swamp may yet be drained. It has long been apparent to me that swamp draining via a gradual opening of the sluice gates would be impossible. If it is to happen at all the dam will need to be blown. So President Trump, is the show almost over, or are we witnessing the cliff-hanger that precedes a whole new series?

  15. AK says:

    Apparently all they needed was a well-timed “server crash” to sweep the evidence under the rug. Will wonders never cease…

  16. Fred says:

    “these same machines are going to be used for the runoff election in about a month. If they don’t reset the memory cards and have them inspected or whatever audit they do then people will say, ‘aha- a stash of leftover votes for the Democrat was used to steal this election for the Senate'”
    As we saw on November 3 all that needs be done can be done the night before, so doing so now serves only to erase evidence. The election early voting does not start until December 14, nor does that need to be done on 100% of the election machinery.
    “they were going to wipe the memory cards on the voting machines but they still have the paper ballots that they generated.”
    You mean the computers changed the votes and printed out paper ballots to match the fraud? Yeah, just verify the barcodses but do not verify all the signatures, the return envelopes, the dates, and that the people are actually eligable to vote. Naw. That would invalidate Joe’s steal.

  17. lux says:

    In Powell’s 104pg filing …
    The only one that looked even a little interesting to me was the claim that the barcode on the printed ballot did not match the user readable portion, so why not just verify that? …
    Posted by: Christian J. Chuba | 30 November 2020 at 10:05 AM

    Fast guess, CJC:
    Observation: they seem to rely on the affidavit of an observer on the one hand and hacking suspicion on the other.
    Poll watcher affidavit/witness statement?
    “I witnessed two poll workers placing already separated paper machine receipt ballots with barcodes in the Trump tray, placing them in to the Biden tray. I also witnessed the same two poll workers putting the already separated paper receipt abllots in the “No Vote” and “Jorgensen” tray, and removing them and putting them inside the Biden tray, They then took out all of the ballots out of the Biden tray and stacked them on the table, writing on the count ballot sheet. (See Exh. 17, Johnson, pars. 4-5).
    Hacking suspicion/security concerns:
    49a.Barcodes can override the voters’ votes: As one University of California, Berkeley study shows, “In all three of these machines [including Dominion Voting Systems] the ballot marking printer is in the same paper path as the mechanism to deposit marked ballots into an attached ballot box. This opens up a very serious security vulnerability: the voting machine can make the paper ballot (to add votes or spoil already-castvotes) after the last time the voter sees the paper, and then deposit that marked ballot into the ballot box without the possibility of detection.”(See Exh. 7).21
    Concerning the observation they need surveillance videos, question the poll workers, to prove hacking they need experts. Ideally not their own but independent ones.

  18. Eric Newhill says:

    Christian J. Chuba ,
    I’m sure there’s a way to copy what’s on the drive, if that’s the excuse they want to make.
    And Dominion can’t fly down there with additional machines?
    Or why not just hand count the run-off election.

  19. Deap says:

    Chuba, comparing the electronic records with the paper ballots is key to finding any “electronic” discrepencies – and evidence of any electronic manipulations. You know, evidence of any “computer glitches”.
    It is the electronic handling of votes that is the most important line of investigation in this critical case. So no, you don’t “wipe” them now so they can be re-used two months from now. You buy brand new memory cards in that case.
    In fact Dominion should be offering to do just that donate new memory cards, so they can reassure everyone their systems are just as perfect as they claim them to be, after they cooperate with a full, in depth investigation with intact evidence – not surrogate evidence.
    Dominions own press release denial absolves them of nothing. No more than CROWDSTRIKE settled the DNC Russian hacking claims.

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