The next phase in Syria

Screenshot 2017-10-31 10.57.55

(I couldn't crop this – sorry)

This is the situation in NW Syria and the east on 31 October.

  1. The situation in Eastern Syria has become relatively stable.  The US government's proxy forces (SDF) have advanced to the east bank of the
    Euphrates and as a result sovereign Syria will be limited to the country west of the river for some unforeseeable period.
  2. The SDF and R+6 are engaged along with Iraqi forces in a race along both banks of the river to determine who will control the Albukamel border crossing on the Deir al-Zor to Baghdad highway.  The US coalition apparently wants to keep that highway communication out of SAG hands so as to continue to weaken the government.  The Iraqi government wants the crossing open and in Syria's hands, so this is bound to be a cause of friction between the US and Iraq.
  3. The large IS pockets in central Syria have been eliminated with some jihadis being allowed to evacuate into the Albukamel area and others seeking to flee into Idlib Province where they are being given a hostile reception by HTS (Al-Qa'ida).
  4. This has freed up a large number of Syrian troops who are being re-deployed either to the Euphrates or to the coming offensive in Idlib Province.
  5. The Syrian general command has appointed new commanders to the north overall and to the offensive that will drive into Idlib Province from the south.
  6. Action on the axis astride Route 5 from the south has begun.  Secondary attacks should be expected from Aleppo City and from Latakia Province going east.
  7. Such action is facilitated by the fact that both HTS and IS are excluded from the terms of the de-escalation agreement in Idlib Province.
  8. The situation will become really interesting when R-6 forces reach the outposts now manned by the Turks in northern Idlib Province.  pl
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107 Responses to The next phase in Syria

  1. Outrage Beyond says:

    Inadvertent truth-telling?
    “A senior U.S. military commander said Monday that 4,000 American troops are on the ground in Syria, a figure far greater than the 503 personnel the Trump administration says are deployed there.
    Army Maj. Gen. James B. Jarrard, who heads the U.S.-led special operations task force responsible for dismantling the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, offered the surprising figure while briefing Pentagon-based reporters via satellite from Baghdad.
    When asked to confirm the 4,000 figure, Jarrard appeared to be caught off guard. A Pentagon spokesman facilitating the briefing then interjected, insisting the number is just 503.”

  2. Will2.71828 says:

    Barzani KRG held the oil of Kirkuk and its infrastructure for a long time and lost it all in a twinkling of an eye. Likewise, ISIS held the oil fields and infrastructure east of the Euphrates for a number of years and has or is on the way of losing it to the SDF U.S. proxies?
    Why would the SDF be able to hold on to its resources anymore than KRG or ISIS held on to theirs? It is landlocked. Hostile Turkey is to the North. The Syrian government forces are to the West and South. Pro-Syrian Iraq is to the East. Moreover, Faysh Khabour, the border crossing between the former Barzani Kurdistan Regional Government and Syria, is now under the control of the Iraqi Security forces. Iraq will soon have full control of its border with Syria except for the smuggling that will always be there.
    So the questions are logistical. How would the Kurds (and their Arab allies), as well as their U.S. advisors be supplied? By air from Jordan across Syria, across the hostile airspaces of Turkey and Iraq.
    As the airbase in Deir Ez Zor ramps up, who will defend the SDF from hostile air?

  3. b says:

    There is something new coming to the conflict that is not reflected in the above.
    This has been rumored for a while but the Saudis now made it official:
    Firebrand Saudi State Minister for Gulf Affairs Thamer al-Sabhan on Monday called for “toppling Hizbullah” and promised “astonishing” developments in “the coming days.”
    “Those who believe that my tweets are a personal stance are delusional and they will see what will happen in the coming days,” al-Sabhan said in an interview with MTV.
    Referring to his Sunday tweet about the Lebanese government, the minister said: “I addressed my tweet to the government because the Party of Satan (Hizbullah) is represented in it and it is a terrorist party. The issue is not about toppling the government but rather that Hizbullah should be toppled.”
    “The coming developments will definitely be astonishing,” al-Sabhan added.
    Thamer al-Sabhan had recently been invited to Raqqa by Brett McGurk. He met “tribal leaders” and the Kurdish U.S. proxies. He then went to Lebanon.
    The U.S. continues to provide an unnecessary huge amount of vehicles and weapons to the SDF. There is also way more U.S. personal in Syria than the 500 officially admitted.
    Something is up – a renewed offensive with Hizbullah being one of the dedicated targets and extended over Lebanon and Syria. It could involve Israel.

  4. mike says:

    My best wishes are with General Zaid Saleh in liberating Idlib. And hopefully his next assignment will be to liberate the Jarabulus/alBab/Azaz triangle in northern Aleppo province from Turkish proxies.
    In the east the SAA offensive has slowed down somewhat, but will probably restart shortly. Sandstorms? Major explosion at ammo depot in the DeZ stadium? Or perhaps they will wait to fully liberate DeZ city and al-Mayadin before pushing on to al-Bukamal?
    The major border crossing at al-Bukamal & al-Qaim is south of the Euphrates. That is where the ‘N-4 Latakia/Aleppo/Deir Ezzor/al-Bukamal highway connects with the al-Qaim/Ramadi highway in Iraq. It is doubtful that the SDF is going after that border crossing. There was a lone report yesterday that US backed partner forces at al-Tanf were given a greenlight to take al-Bukamal, but the source was Qasioun based in Turkey. Caveat emptor!

  5. outthere says:

    Gabbard is a member of the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services committees. But she is still trying to build support for her signature piece of legislation, the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, which would prohibit federal funding for “Al Qaeda, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, and ISIL, or any individual or group that is affiliated with, associated with, cooperating with, or adherents to such groups.” Its main aim, as Gabbard describes it, is to force the C.I.A. to stop aiding militants in Syria. The current version of the bill has fourteen co-sponsors, eight Republicans and six Democrats, but it has not received a vote. Gabbard’s interest in foreign policy sets her apart from other ambitious Democrats, many of whom have difficulty articulating a clear position on Syria, and virtually all of whom would rather attach themselves to the kinds of domestic issues—stopping Trump, fighting poverty, combatting discrimination—that thrill the Democratic base. In this and other ways, Gabbard’s counterintuitive approach can make her seem unusually principled, or maybe just unusual. The United States has been prosecuting a war on terror for more than sixteen years; Gabbard is one of vanishingly few Democratic politicians who are eager to talk about it.

  6. mike says:

    Outrage Beyond –
    General Jarrad’s briefing is here:
    The briefing was Tuesday (today the 31st) not Monday. He corrected himself on the US troop figure. The 4000 # was probably in reference to US troops in Iraq or to total coalition numbers, US and non-US plus contractors, in Syria. A fairly good briefing considering that most or the press questions hurled at him should instead have been asked of the DoS, the WH, CENTCOM, DoJ or others.
    MajGen Jarrad is Special Ops Commander for the anti-Daesh coalition in Iraq and Syria. I could not find a bio on him. Although in the past director of operations for Joint Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg; director of the Pakistan and Afghanistan Coordination Cell, J-5, Joint Staff; and deputy commanding general for operations of the 7th Infantry Division.

  7. Alaric says:

    I’m sure the Saudis and Israelis will attempt to hurt Syria and Hezbollah. I’m skeptical that effort will succeed. There is also a decent probability that these statements are a bluff. Didn’t the Saudis threaten to invade Syria with some huge Sunni coalition Army? What became of that?

  8. Outrage Beyond says:

    There is also this fascinating tidbit from the Neocon Washington Post:
    “Justice Department officials don’t believe they have enough evidence to charge an American citizen and suspected member of the Islamic State who was captured in Syria last month, but the United States will face immediate legal challenges if he is not released and is detained without trial.

    While much about the man remains unknown, the officials said that he once had ties to the Pacific Northwest but that most of his family and roots are in the Middle East.”
    Notice how they vaguely refer to his ties to “the Middle East” without specifying a country? One suspects that this person is very likely Israeli; or at the least a citizen of another regime firmly in the US orbit, such as KSA.

  9. turcopolier says:

    the Saudis lack the ability to do anything serious militarily. Look at Yemen. pl

  10. turcopolier says:

    b et al
    “As is now well-known, the CIA was directly involved in leading regime change efforts in Syria with allied gulf partners, as leaked and declassified US intelligence memos confirm. The US government understood in real time that Gulf and West-supplied advanced weaponry was going to al-Qaeda and ISIS, despite official claims of arming so-called “moderate” rebels. For example, a leaked 2014 intelligence memo sent to Hillary Clinton acknowledged Qatari and Saudi support for ISIS.”
    If this man is not lying it is now clear that Obama and his various CIA directors were involved in supplying both IS and AQ from the beginning. The CIA as an institution would merely have been executing orders as they are now. Like Mr. Jefferson “I fear for my country when I think that God is just.” pl

  11. Imagine says:

    Pentagon has been backing al Qaeda in Syria and getting creative with receipts. Useful summary:

  12. VietnamVet says:

    Thanks for the update. It is astonishing how corporate media ignores the jockeying for position in Syria and Iraq. The bottom line is will R+6 open the landline between Lebanon and Iran? If they do, this landlocks the Kurds and will be a strategic defeat for the Gulf Monarchies and Israel. Will NATO stand down and accept it? Or, will World War III commence?
    You need not post this but I am worried that you will be labeled a “Russian Propagandist”.
    The New Cold War could get hot. Also, elite factions are going after each other in DC. There will be collateral damage.

  13. Outrage Beyond says:

    re: “Obama and his various CIA directors were involved in supplying both IS and AQ from the beginning”
    It’s been the policy of both wings of the Borg. Going back somewhat closer to the beginning, a quote from an article that’s surely familiar to many readers here:
    “The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.”

  14. Bandolero says:

    Yes, when ISIS is defeated, there are very good arguments for Trump to declare victory and withdraw from Syria. SDF area is a landlocked area surrounded Iran-friendly forces and Turkey. It’s similar to the Iraqi Kurdish region. And there Turkey cooperates well so far with Iran and friends. Today’s common Turkish-Iraqi “manoeuvre” at the Turkish-Iraqi Habur-Sinir-crossing proved that. Taking the nearby Iraqi-Syrian Faysh Khabour crossing from peshmerga was not done yet, but it is to be expected very soon.
    I think therefore Trump will withdraw from Syria, but there is the possibility of playing games. In this case I could imagine that in the end, not only would US troops have to leave Syria and Iraq, but also Turkey, and perhaps Turkey would also leave NATO. I think that would be an even finer outcome than just withdrawing from Syria now.

  15. Bandolero says:

    I don’t think Syria will attack the Idlib pocket from Latakia or anywhere in the southwest. At the last Astana meeting it was agreed that Turkey deals with the west of the pocket, Iran/Syria with the east and Russia gets the middle from circa M5 to circa the Aleppo railway. What I’ve seen in recent weeks is that Turkey goes into the pocket from northwest and Iran/Syria goes in from southeast, perfectly in line with what is known about the Astana agreement. It may be that the west/east/middle point is currently in secret negotiated in Astana. But I haven’t heard anything like that so far, so I think the parties will continue to follow the last agreement.

  16. pmr9 says:

    I raise this in this thread because it is relevant to the role of the US military in Syria.
    The report of the UN/OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) into the alleged chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun on 4 April 2017 has been sent to the Security Council. Copies have found their way online (
    The report contains new information on the flight track of the Syrian jet. As first noted by Adam Larson ( the flight track map shown at the Pentagon’s press conference on 7 April showed (when a low-resolution image was magnified and superimposed) that the Syrian jet made a single east-west pass south of the town, passing no closer than 2 km to the alleged impact site. The JIM had access to this flight track map and to “a further aerial map” and reports that “the closest point that the aircraft was to KS was approximately 5 km away”. The JIM reports that this was consistent with the interview given by the pilot, with the flight logs at the air base, and with statements by Syrian and Russian officials that there was no airstrike on KS before noon that day.
    As far as I can tell, this flight track excludes the possibility that an aircraft could have dropped a bomb on KS at the time of the alleged attack (about 06.40). The JIM tries to get round this by getting an opinion that a jet at the right altitude, speed and direction could have tossed a bomb 5 km ahead, but this doesn’t apply to an Su-22 with maximum bomb release altitude of 2000 m, or to hitting a target to the north when flying east-west.
    This leaves a managed massacre of captives, with sarin used to lay a forensic trail, as the only tenable explanation. If the Pentagon had access to flight tracks showing that the jet did not pass within bombing range of KS, it’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that the Pentagon at some level was complicit in this operation, and in allowing Trump to be misled.

  17. kooshy says:

    They can’t even invade Yemen next door. They are only good at spending money and higher terorist on CIA’ orders and agitate more extremist sunni salafi terrorists like what happened in NY today. IMO if the elected western governments think, their policy of unlimited support for Saudi and Israeli’ agenda in middle east to maintains their own colonialist hegemony on the region does not come with a cost to western states and citizens they are lying to us all. IMO in this day and age, there is no way that we can keep the war in there in their cities, and villages , and totally prevent it from coming to our streets and cities. This is totally mad, a mutual assured destruction by a mad and stupid group of people on both sides, regardless of how unbalanced it is.

  18. Annem says:

    It will indeed be interesting when the Syrian forces come upon the Turks as the latter have made no secret of having been welcomed into Idlib by HTS, which as noted, is NOT part of the de-escalation agreement. And then there are their ties to ISIS……

  19. W. Patrick Lang says:

    IMO the agreement is a ruse. pl

  20. turcopolier says:

    “Playing games” Yes, the JCS for some dammed reason routinely fiddles with the numbers in published reports and reports to Congress. pl

  21. turcopolier says:

    Yes, the JCS are hiding how badly we are doing in Afghanistan. pl

  22. turcopolier says:

    Why Lebanon? why not have the road terminate on the Syrian coast? pl

  23. turcopolier says:

    “financial and military industrial complex being an important part of it.” Ah, the Hidden Hand of The Merchants of Death. It must be the oil, it must be … Or maybe selling mire stuff… pl

  24. Babak Makkinejad says:

    The elected Western governments are willing to accept those costs; you saw what happened in France after she was attacked repeatedly.
    And you saw what happened yesterday, another Sunni Muslim attack in NYC – this time an Uzbek – per usual form the outside of Seljuk Boundary – yet they go unfazed.

  25. Babak Makkinejad says:

    I think that things would get really ugly very quickly when the Jihadists penetrate and infest India. I think that could only be a matter of time.

  26. J says:

    The Russian Backfires have been dropping their ordinance in Syria, shaking the ISIS tree. LOL I love it when a plan comes togeather, and the Russians have their shit tight on Syria. Now IMO if we could only get the JCS and CENTCOM to pull their heads out of their asses and really cooperate with the Russians instead of trying to play salad dressing, we’d be a lot better off.

  27. FourthAndLong says:

    At least as disturbing is the incompetence exhibited by the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq under Obama. How one could not foresee Iran gaining influence? Beyond me. Or the emergence of disenfranchised Sunnis, bitterly enraged? It’s so egregious it’s understandable that people see conspiracy everywhere. It must have been foreseen that withdrawal would result in the need for more troops and deeper involvement. And presto, like magic, the US became plausibly involved within Syria. How might that have transpired otherwise?

  28. Nuff Sed says:

    VV said: The bottom line is will R+6 open the landline between Lebanon and Iran.
    Your insights are always welcome, VV. I would say that Russia will go “all in” in supporting Iran in her establishing this crescent, whose success or failure has existential significance for Iran, as it does for Israel. Knowing this, the latter has no choice but to join the fray. Hence, the “surprise” that the Wahhabi was talking about, which b referred to.
    The thing is that the stakes are too high for both sides.
    The question is whether Iran and Russia will be able to pry Turkey and Qatar away from the NATO pack. If this happens, then Egypt will follow, and Iran will have succeeded in saving Sonni Islam from its ugly takfiri lower self.
    Putin is here in Tehran meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei and Rowhani as I write this. Aliev, the Azerbaijani president, is also here, following Erdogan’s visit last week.

  29. The final battle for al Bukamal and al Qaim is close at hand. SAA, Hizbollah and allied militias are pushing down the pipeline road from T2 and are now about 50 km from al Bukamal. Iraqi forces, primarily the PMU, have advanced up the Euphrates and now stand just outside al Qaim. Both forces have established a “joint operations room” to coordinate their joint offensive against al Bukamal and al Qaim. Additionally, the Tiger Force is still moving down the west bank of the Euphrates towards al Bukamal. Will the jihadis be forced to retreat east of the Euphrates or will they elect to DIP?

  30. turcopolier says:

    IMO we shoul encourage the DIP option. Perhaps we could drop inspirational texts to them. Ah, I forgot that we don’t know enough about Islam to be able to do that. pl

  31. turcopolier says:

    VV and Nuff sed
    Once again, why Lebanon. If you do that Lebanon will disintegrate again in civil war. pl

  32. Will2.71828 says:

    Apparently the battle for Faysh Khabour will be bloody:
    “Iraq Day‏
    Following Following @iraq_day
    Update: Fayh Khabour
    Hundreds of Rojava #Peshmerga (Syrian Kurds) came across via Samelka crossing into Iraq, KDP brought in reinforcements
    8:17 AM – 1 Nov 2017”

  33. kooshy says:

    What is the best way to prevent future terrorist attacks on western cities?
    1- More sanctions on Iran
    2- Include all Muslim countries except Saudis to travel list
    3- Blame it all on their hate for our way of life
    4- stop drone bombing their weeding funeral
    And villages.
    5-Increase CIA support and arms for moderately extremist Sunni terrorist we like to topple the Muslims we don’t like.
    6- Don’t mention the attackers are extremist Sunni Muslims.
    7- Don’t stop or mention or our support for Israel and dictatorial regimes in their countries as a cause of their hate.
    Everybody can and should add to this list.

  34. ex-PFC Chuck says:

    “SDF area is a landlocked area surrounded Iran-friendly forces and Turkey. It’s similar to the Iraqi Kurdish region.”

    Writing today at Counterpunch (and perhaps co-posted at other sites) Patrick Cockburn asserts that Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi plans to capitalize on his rising prestige after the successes at Mosul and Kirkuk to reassert federal control over “Iraqi Kurdistan.” We’ll see how that works out.

  35. pl,
    That’s a damned good idea. Why can’t the 4th Military Information Support Group (what we call the 4th POG now) start planting black propaganda exhorting the jihadis to do just that (DIP). Perhaps you’re right. If we can’t even say PSYOPS any more, maybe we don’t know enough about Islam. We certainly don’t know our ass from a hole in the ground concerning the use of social media to shape human opinion and behavior.

  36. Babak Makkinejad says:

    “The question is whether Iran and Russia will be able to pry Turkey and Qatar away from the NATO pack.”
    The answer is no.
    Iran and later Russia were forced on their autarkic path by the inflexibility of the political leaders of those Olympians called the “Western Fortress”.
    Turkey has been losing wars to Russia for centuries and has been on the receiving side of aide first from the British Empire and now the United States. Habits of centuries are difficult to break.
    And what does Qatar have in common with Iran or Russia? The orientation is still Western – English, specifically.

  37. ISL says:

    Yes, most certainly, after all, the masters of the universe walk not among us – their bullet proofed transportation, private jets and yachts, and private security armies protect them from the dangers faced by mere mortals.
    As long as the US government is the best government money can buy, things will remain as such.

  38. “Ah, I forgot that we don’t know enough about Islam to be able to do that.”
    Amen, Colonel. While reading FourthAndLong’s post above (decrying Obama’s incompetent withdrawal from Iraq as leading to Iranian influence in the theater), I was thinking the very same thing. Ever since W’s PNAC neo-cons decided to take down Saddam Hussein post-9/11, the entire debacle has been underscored by an egregious ignorance of internecine Muslim differences and squabbles. Paul (Jerry) Bremer’s disastrous bull-in-the-china-shop, post-invasion tenure as head of the coalition is but one of an embarrassing series of ideology-driven missteps.
    Sun-Tzu famously wrote that you should study and know your enemy. Perhaps Bush’s generals were aware of that dictum, but their civilian masters, red in tooth and claw, were the inmates in charge of the asylum.

  39. JohnB says:

    Elijah Magnier is tweeting that ISIS are putting up strong resistance against the SAA T2 – albu Kamal advance – Using 9m133 kornet anti tank missiles.
    An interesting development, would they be stocks captured from SAA?

  40. Nuff Sed says:

    Just posted by the highly knowledgeable Canthama over at Syrian Perspective:
    Some possible breakthroughs on going in Syria, all of the offensives below will produce important results by the weekend:
    1) The SAA/TFs are advancing deep in Hamadiyah district in Deir ez Zour, after the past few days advances inside the city, ISIS is now getting pounded ver closely from 3 axis, and defenses are lightly built,that was the case of today’s liberation of Jubaylah district and the southern part of Hamidiyah. Once Hamidiyah is fully liberated, there will be a very small area for ISIS to hide,basically pushed to the shores of the Euphrates.
    2) For the past 10 days we have seen the SAA advancing north of Hama toward Idlib and Aleppo Provinces, by now only 2 axis are at motion, one from Ithriyah and another from as Sa’an. Over two dozens of villages, hills and key points were liberated, mostly on the Ithriyah front, against al Qaeda and ISIS.
    The two latest villages liberated, Abu Lafeh and Maryjaib Al-Jamlan, help to place the SAA very close,4 kms, to the very important village of al Rahjan, sort of al Qaeda HQ in northern Hama.;374723052;353320722;223159;1449550;89263;480207;3433;0
    Al Rahjan is well located in a very important cross road, that will give the possibility for the SAA to flank many villages north and south of it, the from there a domino effect will happen in a very lightly defended area, see 2nd map below, deep into al Qaeda territory, this can be very disruptive for al Qaeda that will be pushed back to Idlib Province and most likely lose all its presence south of Aleppo as well.;371296691;352458994;3646087;2463637;3282165;745483;1888275;459702;1613616;44860;480651;0;0;319576;20599;706264;1730346;2592211
    3) The SAA together with a massive Hizballah force are about to declare the liberation of the small Backtal border crossing with Iraq and positioning very close to Akash oil and gas field. Once the new defenses are consolidated, the allied forces will be 30+- kms from al Bukamal.

  41. turcopolier says:

    I suppose that Economic Determinism is easier than trying to understand complex motives. pl

  42. Nuff Sed says:

    I guess what is meant is southern Lebanon, i.e. Hezbollahistan and its Christian allies. The March 14th coalition and Zionist allied Christians are increasingly marginalized.

  43. ISL says:

    8 – Set a precedent that if a terrorist group kills large numbers of people in the west, but then afterwards is ready to target an official enemy (the list is long and ever changing – a smorgasbord of infidels to attack!!!), forgiveness will be given (even for 911). Why, even $$$$ will rain down like mana from heaven into your pockets for weapons and child brides for all ! ! ! ! !
    IMO, this is one of the worst blowbacks from the US being on-board with Saudi efforts to destabilize Syria.

  44. I agree. The Syria crisis is still up for grabs. With the revelation that the US has 4,000 troops in Syria (along with artillery), it definitely begins to look like my prediction of a “boil the frog” approach to the overthrow of the Aasad government is starting to become true.
    Since the whole purpose of the Syrian crisis was to enable Israel to attack Hizballah, and since that plan is in jeopardy now, I expect Israel to find a way to attack Lebanon again – possibly with US help.
    Israel and Saudi Arabia may have given Trump his marching orders for the “next next phase” of the Syria crisis.

  45. JJackson says:

    TTG Re. the T2 pumping station. Who is now pushing past it? It was approached long ago and then that front went static, presumably the troops were needed elsewhere. Now it is taken and there is forward movement again but which units and how strong? Is this the primary thrust or is that coming down the Euphrates’ west bank?

  46. turcopolier says:

    “(along with artillery)” The artillerymen are a lot of these people. combat strength in Syria are some SOF and Rangers, not much of a force so far. pl

  47. eakens says:

    I suspect sanctions are going to be coming down on Lebanon, and SA, etc. are going to cut them off too.
    Unfortunately, they should have thought of that before inviting the Iranians into Syria and Iraq.

  48. A Lebanese civil war? Just what the Israelis would like to see…provided they could keep Hizballah from attacking Israel during an Iran war. Another civil war in Lebanon might keep Hizballah too busy to attack Israel.
    More and more, I see Israel luring the US in to do the dirty work of trying to destroy Hizballah. The new Congressional sanctions on Hizballah and the recent Saudi threat to Hizballah indicates this.

  49. kooshy says:

    9-immediately change the subject and go back to Putin hacking and see if you can blame him for all terror and evils ever since the Big Bang.

  50. kooshy says:

    10- Blame it on Assad’ resistance, if he had did not resist and folded early on, our supported and supplied moderate extremist Sunni terrorist wouldn’t have been so agitated to drive on. our citizens. Mean time don’t forget to sanction Iran some more, and renew the leading terrorist nation in the world designation.
    11- Call Shia Hizbollah a terrorist organization, regardless they are fighting the same agitated extremist Sunni terrorist who are driving on our innocent misinformed constituents.

  51. JJackson,
    Don’t know the exact units, but they include IRGC, Hezbollah units. I think there are also several militia units involved including one composed of Iraqi Shia. T2 was the last obstacle before al Bukamal. This is from a comment on another blog concerning the situation in Syria. I think this Iraqi-Syrian coordination will be a nightmare for the jihadis and everyone else outside of the R+6.
    “The coordination toward al Qaim and al Bukamal between SAA/allies and ISF/PMU is complete and with C&C center hosting Iran and Hizballah. The groups are in constant talks and there is a rule of engagement that allows both ISF an SAA to enter Syria and Iraq as much as 10 kms without any authorization. Right now the coordination is working very well in Anbar border with Deir ez Zour Province”

  52. outthere says:

    I am so weary of hearing about “Obama’s incompetent withdrawal from Iraq as leading to Iranian influence in the theater”.
    The deal to leave Iraq was made by BUSH, not Obama.
    Iraq refused to continue to grant extraterritoriality (immunity) to USA military occupation, so BUSH agreed with Iraq government that all USA forces would leave, the date for departure falling on Obama’s subsequent watch.
    As for Iran’s influence in Iraq, that is a direct consequence of Bush war/occupation of Iraq. Both Iraq and Iran are vast majority shia, they have been close for many years, and many of Iraq’s shia leaders fled Saddam and moved to Iran. And then BUSH declared Iran was a charter member of the “axis of evil” and neocons bragged that “real men go to Iran”. So Bush pushed Iraq into shia rule (thanks to Sistani resistance of proposed phony elections, forcing real elections that elected shia leaders instead of USA cronies. And Bush made it clear that Iran’s best hope of avoiding destruction by USA was to unite with Iraq in resistance to USA occupation.
    It is folly to blame Obama for any of this, it all happened before his election.

  53. Phodges says:

    Great. I have the next two weeks on a greek island. But they want to start WWIII.

  54. FourthAndLong says:

    I don’t contest everything you’ve said, but there are some details you overlook regarding Iraqi elections held under Obama. Allow me to quote from this source:
    To wit:
    When U.S. President Barack Obama took office, in 2009, both the Americans and the Iraqis believed that the sectarian civil war was over and that the country was finally on the right track. But rather than capitalizing on these successes to cajole Iraqi politicians toward compromise, the Obama administration disengaged. The 2010 Iraqi election marked an inflection point. When Iraqiya, the nationalist, nonsectarian political party led by Ayad Allawi, narrowly defeated the Dawa Party, led by Nouri al-Maliki, the incumbent prime minister, the Obama administration failed to uphold the right of the winning bloc to have the first go at forming a government. Instead, it signaled its desire to keep Maliki in power, despite the stipulations of the Iraqi constitution and the objections of Iraqi politicians.
    The Obama administration insisted that Maliki was an Iraqi nationalist and a friend of the United States. But in reality, the decision to keep him in place played into the hands of Iran. Tehran pressured the anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, one of Maliki’s most outspoken foes, to align his powerful political bloc with Maliki’s coalition, a move that was instrumental in securing another term for the prime minister. In exchange for Iran’s help in forging the alliance with Sadr, Maliki agreed to ensure the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq by 2011, when the status-of-forces agreement between the two countries was set to expire.
    Instead of marking the peaceful transition of power in a new democratic system, the 2010 election undermined confidence that change could come about through politics. Secure in his seat for a second term, Maliki reneged on his promises to the Sunni Awakening. He labeled Sunni politicians as “terrorists,” driving them out of the political process, and he ordered the security forces to violently crush Sunni dissent. In so doing, Maliki created conditions that allowed a new group to rise up out of the ashes of al Qaeda in Iraq. ISIS, as it came to be known, proclaimed itself the defender of Sunnis against Maliki’s regime. Feeling betrayed and discriminated against by the government, many Sunnis determined that ISIS was the lesser of two evils.
    Is the above account in error ?

  55. VietnamVet says:

    In one word; Hezbollah.
    Opening a ground supply line from Iran through Iraq to Lebanon would be a victory for the Shiite militias. Splitting the Sunnis and isolating the Kurds. But, most importantly, it would be an existential defeat for the Likud government. Tribal warfare to divide and kill its enemies foiled; Israel would be neutered by the threat of an attack of a multitude of Hezbollah missiles from Lebanon to the Jordon Border or by a Russian brokered peace treaty that would keep militia missiles out of Syria. I fear that Israel-Firsters/Neo-Cons in the West would rather start WWIII than accept this stalemate.

  56. turcopolier says:

    The Israeli Air force would tear such a route to pieces. What Sunnis and Kurds are you talking about. Hamas and Hizbullah leaders are meeting in Beirut today. pl

  57. Babak Makkinejad says:

    There is a major error of understanding in this:
    We read:
    “Maliki was an Iraqi nationalist and a friend of the United States. But in reality, the decision to keep him in place played into the hands of Iran….”
    So, any Iraqi who desires good relations with Iran is a turncoat and an enemy of the United States?
    Any why would Iraqis welcome foreign troops in their country – is there any country in the world which welcomes occupation by foreigners?
    And that Iraqis Shias heeded the call of Ayatollah Sistani – an Iranian – to defend Iraq is not a meaningful act of patriotism by Iraqis but that of an ignorant mob, belonging to a retrograde religion and social force?
    As long as this type of propaganda masquerades as analysis there will be no hope of positive change in the Western Alliance.

  58. kooshy says:

    I am hoping they go for the deep dip and take thier supporters with them

  59. kooshy says:

    Iran’ influence over (Shia) Iraq doesn’t come from US “leaving” Iraq, For centuries Iran had and has influence over majority Iraqi which are Shia Muslims. To be correct Iran’ influence in Iraq was able to surface and be seen once US invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam. IMO, Iran alone would not have even attempted to topple Saddam fearing Sunni states backlash and endangering the political economy of Shia Iraqis.

  60. Barbara Ann says:

    “Israel Reportedly Strikes Syria; Assad Regime Responds With Anti-aircraft Missiles”
    Seems to be at Hissia, Homs.

  61. outthere says:

    My post was about the first elections held in Iraq under USA occupation, that was in 2005. The phony elections proposed by Bush/Cheney gang were changed because Sistani got involved and forced genuine democratic elections.
    I said nothing about Iraq elections under Obama, and I refuse to be drawn into your diversion.
    The basic problem in Iraq today is that Bush/Cheney lied and bombed and occupied. Humpty dumpty has not been put back together again, no surprise to me.
    You can read all about the 2005 elections here:,_January_2005

  62. turcopolier says:

    Is there a date? pl

  63. Will2.71828 says:

    The answer to my question about logistics to the SDF becomes obvious. They get supplied in the future as they do now. By air to Qamishli Airport or other airports in Northeast Syria. Or to Incirlik and driven into Syria. Or from Europe to Erbil and then driven to Syria. The Turks and Iraqis look the other way and will continue to do so. But how do they get their oil out? ISIS was able to truck their oil to Turkey until Putin started blowing up the trucks. Would the SAA do the same? Would Edrdogan play footsie with his sworn enemies- the YPG? Stranger things have happened.

  64. Barbara Ann says:

    There was once a Man who knew exactly how many troops a democracy should deploy in order to counter the threat from ‘Iranian-backed militia’. I think he’d be surprised to learn that the subject is still under discussion after two and a half millennia.

  65. JamesT says:

    I believe this account is correct – but note the mind boggling spin that Foreign Affairs puts on it.
    First of all, Tehran didn’t pressure al-Sadr to do what he did … al-Sadr went to Nasrallah for advice and Nasrallah advised him to do it. Remember the time that the US military set up a meeting with al-Sadr then dropped a bomb on the building at meeting time? Neither does Foreign Affairs.
    Then there is this gem of hypno-propaganda:
    “Instead of marking the peaceful transition of power in a new democratic system, the 2010 election undermined confidence that change could come about through politics. ”
    What??? First of all – those two things are not opposites of one another. Second of all, it was a peaceful transition of power in a democratic system … because it was what the Iraqi people wanted. Sadr was elected precisely because of his anti-American stance. Maintaining ambiguity about whose confidence was undermined is a nice little propaganda trick. Finally, change did come through politics – just not the change that the neocons wanted.
    Based on the Arabs I have talked to I’m sure the Iraqis are not so much anti-American as anti-neocon. As far as Foreign Affairs is concerned, you are not a real democracy unless you are a tool of the neocons.

  66. different clue says:

    If Turkey left NATO, then the EUro-NATO countries could declare NATO to be abolished so far as they were concerned. They could then form their very own NEATO ( stands for North East Atlantic Treaty Organization), maybe without Canada and certainly without America. That would be the very best outcome of all, from the standpoint of some Americans.

  67. different clue says:

    Babak Makkinejad,
    Would they be Wahhabi transplants or trainees? Or would they be India-Pakistan’s very own Deobandis?

  68. Ishmael Zechariah says:

    re: “Would Edrdogan play footsie with his sworn enemies- the YPG?”
    Here a short synopsis which might answer your rhetorical question:
    You might remember that tayyip was the architect of the “kurdish opening” a few years ago; see . At that point things in Syria were going well, tayyip was strongly in favor of, and very much supported by the tribe and Fortress West; He was given to think that he would be the anointed sultan of the ME governing through local feudal lords. Did not work out that way. When he lost the majority after this democratic gambit ( ) he blasted the kurdish strongholds to ground-these operations were neither polite, nor humane but quite effective; we Turks still remember how to neutralize folks if they deserve it. Thus he regained his majority-and got the gulenist coup in response since he had acted out of script. tayyip blamed the coup on USA; most of us agree that it was CIA led. It failed since the secular nationalists in TSK politely declined to participate. We consider the fethullahis more craven, insidious and dangerous than the clowns represented by tayyip. At this point tayyip started flirting with the Russians. However, the elimination of oil thievery from Iraq and Syria, and the loss of support from the gulf states, coupled by adverse economic actions by the West, has caused serious grief for the Turkey. The gold leaf coating the economic shit is thinning out the point even islamists and useful idiots can smell it. His party is not in good shape internally, and the “media” is not able to hide the economic distress. At this point tayyip would make a deal w/ anyone and cut any deal to save his spawn from perdition. Hope he does not succeed.
    Ishmael Zechariah

  69. Barish says:

    October this year, apparently. The author also filed this travelogue of his stay in Dimashq at the same site:
    Going by his comments there, it seems he comes from Norway.

  70. condor says:

    Tulsi Gabbard has been to Syria once maybe twice. She met with Assad and many Syrian people. She has a pretty good picture of what is happening there. Better than most if not all in the pathetic U.S. congress. Her intentions are honest and true.

  71. paul says:

    the arabs of southern iraq converted in mass along tribal lines in the early 1800s
    it was part of tribal politics where several tribes converted in mass between the 17 and 1800s
    with that said, every time iran was in control of the area where the tigris and euphrates comes together it has been a powerful empire, and every time it has not, it has been a weak and fragmented.

  72. ex-PFC Chuck says:

    Agreed. That key decision was made on Bush’s watch. Obama did enough damage to the true interests of the people of the USA. He doesn’t need to take the blame for Bush’s carnage as well.

  73. Babak Makkinejad says:

    Both, of course.
    The rise of Hindu religiosity also will be a contributing factor as Muslims would be starting to repulse the Hindus.
    In my opinion, the Hindu leaders are going to fracture and destroy the Indian Union if they persist on their current path.

  74. Babak Makkinejad says:

    Erdogan’s outreach to Kurds was genuine, in my opinion. And it was PKK that resumed its armed struggle – again likely at the behest of a foreign power – likely Russia.
    Moreover, the policy of “Zero Problems with Neighbors” was indubitably the right policy (and still is) for the Near East. I think he – like the Shah – owed too much to the West to say no to their machinations and aims against Iran.
    He helped wreck Turkey, Kurds, and the Middle East – for nothing.
    Outside of the Seljuk Boundary, Gulen and his movement are the only positive Sunni Muslim activity around. Gulen’s positive message to Sunni Muslims cannot be underestimated; in my opinion.

  75. turcopolier says:

    Well, that is half right. Shiiism originated in the Basra area in the first century of Islam largely as a result of Persian converts’ resentment in not being included in the diwan of shares of community property. The conversions from Sunnism in the last couple of hundred years were the result of missionary activity conducted by emissaries of the Howza. pl

  76. FourthAndLong says:

    Well, I felt and feel fairly sheepish quoting Foreign Affairs. I simply wanted some facts quickly available, the spin is obnoxious. I’d read it recently and it came to mind. No excuse. And I have no argument with outhere, James T, and ex-PFC Chuck that Bush & Cheney were and are far more culpable than Obama regarding the whole mess.
    It was not my intention to place more or equivalent blame on Obama. My reply to Colonel Lang was in the context of his mentioning ideas concerning supply of ISIS and Al-Queda by the CIA in Syria during Obama’s watch. So I confined my remark to that time frame.

  77. FourthAndLong says:

    See my reply to Babak Makkinejad above.

  78. Babak Makkinejad says:

    Post 1500, the Safavid Persia and successor states could not maintain durable control over Mesopotamia; Ottoman Empire could.

  79. Ishmael Zechariah says:

    BM-fearless-defender of-the faith;
    1-I am surprised to see you blaming Putin for the PKK. Do you have any proof? You might check out PKK’s funding sources and the groups which provide them logistical support-the results might surprise you. Some operatives were captured and neutralized w/o fuss; others were repatriated-causing lots of fuss.
    2-“Zero Problems w/ neighbors”is a policy of Ataturk: “Yurta Sulh Cihanda Sulh” (,_Peace_in_the_World ).
    3-Your statements about fethullah are very similar to your defense of tayyip in this very forum a while ago. What makes you certain that you are correct this time around?
    Here are some links about the fethullahis:
    IMO, while there might be some “good” islamists somewhere, I never met one which would stand a fire assay. I think Sheridan’s statement about his own problems applies here as well.
    Ishmael Zechariah

  80. Babak Makkinejad says:

    Thank you for your comments.
    On your number 1 – I was speculating, it was as though PKK was itching to restart its war.
    On your number 2 – I did not know that, so AKP had gone back to the roots of the Turkish Republic and resurrected that slogan.
    On your number 3 – I am telling you the way things are – Gulen is considered favorably by many Muslims outside of the Seljuk Boundary.
    That is part of the political reality.
    As for the “fearless-defender-of-faith” – thank you very much; I do what I can.

  81. FkDahl says:

    Mon colonel, Octobre 2017.

  82. LG says:

    yes, but apart from kashmir, the political response to the hindutva forces has been from the more secular parties and the regional groupings which indian muslims continue to support. I don’t see any rise in salafi islam in response to the BJP. The growing salafist inluence in recent years has been due to TV proselytizing by the likes of Zakir Naik and the influence of gulf returnees.
    Taking a leaf out of their zionist teachers’ book (to divide along sectarian lines), the BJP leaders championed shia rights to azadari in kargil (kashmir) and promised to support sufi communities against the deobandis. this greatly angered the salafists who overnight became defenders of muslim unity and forgot that they had condemned us recently as grave worshiping apostates.

  83. mike says:

    IZ and BK –
    The speculation that Russia was behind the PKK surfaced many years ago. Litvinenko claimed Ocalan was KGB trained. The Turkish General Staff in 2007 claimed the great majority of PKK AK-47s, RPG-7s and hand grenades were traced to Russia.
    Wikipedia states that: “According to Turkey, countries the PKK has previously/currently received support from include: Greece, Iran, Iraq, Russia and Syria.”
    Russia has never listed PKK as a terrorist organization. But then neither has China, India, Brazil, Egypt and the United Nations.

  84. Thomas says:

    “Great. I have the next two weeks on a greek island. But they want to start WWIII.”
    Well look on the bright side, you will have a front row seat for the event! A word to the wise, politely decline any invitations to go visit the Valley of Jezreel.

  85. Babak Makkinejad says:

    Thank you for your very funny comments.
    It is not completely based on divide-and-conquer; the ration of Sunni Muslim to Shia Muslim incidents with Hindus in India is something like 10,000 to 1.
    In regards to Sufis; they are squarely based on Sharia – their theoretical works do not break with Sharia (First Shariat, next Tariqat). Rather they are grafting the mystical tradition that Muslims first learnt from the Orthodox Christians to Islam to enrich the experience of Islam and Muslims and open new vistas for religious understandings.
    Historically, the Ismalili Shias have been its greatest developers – the majority of both the Akhbari and the Usuli Ulema in Iran shunned it – but not so Khomeini.
    I do not personally believe that Sufis can get people’s chestnuts out of the proverbial power; the heart of the matter is the absence of a generally acceptable authority in Islam. 40 men with Kalashnikov rifles do not care one whit about experiential inner illumination of Sufis; all they know is what they leaders have told them what Islam is and they will act accordingly.

  86. Babak Makkinejad says:

    When I look at the breakup of Yugoslavia, which enjoyed more wealth, more education, more linguistic, cultural, national and social cohesion than India as well as persistent attempts at the creation and maintenance of some sort of ecumenism; I am led to expect the very very bloody breakup of the Indian Union with its multiple fissures – religious, linguistic, national, and cast.
    The current PM in India is pro-US, pro-Israel and against Muslims. That cannot end well.

  87. Babak Makkinejad says:

    Chechens and Kurds – what can I say?

  88. Ishmael Zechariah says:

    re: “Wikipedia states that: “According to Turkey, countries the PKK has previously/currently received support from include: Greece, Iran, Iraq, Russia and Syria.”
    The link above conveniently neglects the mainline support, direct and indirect, from USA, EU and Israel. Many times we were prevented from bombing the PKK hideouts on Kandil through direct US interference. For us there is no difference between PYG, PJAK or PKK. They all work for the same boss.
    Ishmael Zechariah

  89. blowback says:

    The Guardian is saying that the SOHR is claiming that Deir Ez-zor has been cleansed of ISIS.
    On to Al Bukamel – the SAA and IRGC have broken out of T2 and are now within 45 km of Al Bukamel. The ISIS caliphate in Syria could be liquidated by Christmas thanks to the RuAF, SAA, SAAF and the IRGC, Then the United States, since it won’t fight HTS/Al Nusra/Al Qaeda and all its terrorist associates, won’t have a legal excuse to remain in Syria.

  90. mike says:

    Ishmael Zechariah –
    The wikipedia link about PKK support Greece, Iran, Iraq, Russia and Syria is all based on reporting from Turkey. NOT from the US. Follow the links. It is all either from Hurriyet or from British media quoting Turkish AKP officials by name.
    The Turkish Air Force has been bombing the Qandil mountains in Iraq off and on for ten years. Ground troops also. Killing mostly civilians. Apparently that direct US interference you mention did not work.
    Mercenaries from the US Blackwater Company have reportedly done some illegal arms sales. Did they sell weapons to the PKK? I do not know, but would not put it past them. Mercs are the scum of the earth IMHO.
    The EU? Most in Europe are not deporting Kurds to Turkey. They seem to believe that the Ankara inspired Interpol arrest warrants for European Kurds are bogus and based on political repression. It is not just Kurds, but other non-Kurdish Turks who are anti-AKP. But the EU giving weapons and active support to the PKK? That needs more evidence than claims in Erdogan’s mouthpiece media.

  91. Ishmael Zechariah says:

    “The Turkish Air Force has been bombing the Qandil mountains in Iraq off and on for ten years. Ground troops also. Killing mostly civilians. Apparently that direct US interference you mention did not work.” It did work-PKK is/was alerted to many raids in advance.
    “Mercenaries from the US Blackwater Company have reportedly done some illegal arms sales. Did they sell weapons to the PKK? I do not know, but would not put it past them. Mercs are the scum of the earth IMHO.”. I agree w/ you on MERCS. Most of them are ex-service guys. I wonder, however, if Blackwater can act independently of the CIA/ZioCon control.
    Any and all who wishes/wished to harm Turkey supports/supported the PKK:
    The PKK-PYG-PJAK hydra is a bit player in the Ziocon game of the Middle East. You have a very fine filter if you can distinguish between them. The natives of the region cannot.
    Ishmael Zechariah

  92. blowback says:

    Apparently the remaining ISIS terrorists tried to flee en masse across the Euphrates River to SDF/FSA/NSA held territory probably hoping they would find some protection among their erstwhile allies or they would be recruited by the SDF. Unfortunately it seems to have been a re-run of The Battle of Sittang Bend on a smaller scale but apparently with greater success as few if any made it across.

  93. Babak Makkinejad says:

    So, if I understand you correctly, the United States and the European Union, Turkey’s fellow alliance members in NATO, are primary benefactor of PKK and US the Boss Man of Kurdish separatists everywhere.
    If that be the case, then I submit to you that Turkish government needs to seriously consider exiting NATO and, furthermore, to join Russia and Iran and Syria in an anti-West Coalition because Turkish state cohesion and security.

  94. mike says:

    Ishmael Zechariah –
    Your al-Jazeera and Saker links seem to be echos of Erdogan farting. Perhaps his flatulence will be cured and his social graces improved when R+6 pushes him and his proxies out of Idlib and out of his Euphrates Shield enclave in northern Aleppo.

  95. I apologize for the tortured syntax of my parenthesized sentence referring to FourthAndLong’s claim. What I intended to convey was that I agreed with the Colonel, not with FourthAndLong.
    An equal-opportunity scourge of the corporate-owned duopoly, I hold Obama responsible for innumerable shortcomings, but any sins he committed as to the invasion and occupation pale beside those of his predecessor. So your response, as it turns out, served mainly to buttress the very points I (apparently unsuccessfully) attempted to make.

  96. mike says:

    Iraqi ISF with Sunni and Shia militias are in the center of al-Qaim.
    “Lt. Gen. Abdulamir Yarallah, commander of the operation to liberate areas located in the western province of Anbar stated that they are now in full control of Hasiba border line between Iraq and Syria.”
    Will they enter Syria and trap daesh al-Bukamal also, as per the Joint SAA/ISF C&C Center that TTG mentioned???

  97. Will2.71828 says:

    per their rules of engagement, the SAA & the ISF are allowed to penetrate each others borders up to 10 km. Consistent with this, the SAA is already on the ground around abu Kamal, consider this:
    “Aleksandr Stepanov‏ @AStepanov321 3h3 hours ago
    Waiting for confirmation. #SAA has reportedly entered Syria from #Iraq and storming villages east of #Abu_Kamal #Al_Bukamal”

  98. Ishmael Zechariah says:

    The current group of klepts running Turkey were brought into power by Fortress West and other useful idiots. One needs to go back a decade to hear all kinds of praises of tayyip and his band of brothers in the ziocon press. “Democracy”, “Mild Islam”, “Democratic Islam”… the tripe dished out was amazing. tayyip was going to give the kurds their “rights”, israel would be safe, peace would bloom all over the ME. The real goal was the Yinon Plan: after all regional powers were fractionated into the smallest possible tribes the Tribe would rule them all! We secularists played Cassandra. No matter; Russia survived Yeltsin; Turkey survived WW-1 and Vahidettin. We will survive this as well.
    Ishmael Zechariah

  99. Ishmael Zechariah says:

    Why don’t you send in the PYG and their “women warriors” to teach us a lesson? Are they too busy fighting R+6 and trying to steal Syrian oil? They certainly performed wonders in Kirkuk.
    tayyip will soon get what is coming to him, and so will your kurds. As the old saying goes “you cannot consummate your marriage w/ your uncle’s d**k.”
    Ishmael Zechariah

  100. Babak Makkinejad says:

    Surviving is not a positive action.
    I suggest you align yourself with the other wing of your civilization, i.e. Iran. That would help you as well as the Iranians.

  101. mike says:

    Ishmael Zechariah –
    “you cannot consummate your marriage w/ your uncle’s d**k.”
    An apt saying. Bridegroom Erdogan will find that out soon. His uncle Vladimir and cousin Bashar are already whispering sweet words to and cooperating with the Syrian Kurds. Three Kurdish organizations, including the PYD, have been invited to the Sochi meeting of the Syrian National Dialogue Congress coming up on 18 November. In the past Erdogan was able to block the Kurds from Astana and Geneva, but it seems that Uncle Vlad is now tired of Erdo’s tantrums.
    Your comment “Are they too busy fighting R+6 and trying to steal Syrian oil?” is blatant Erdogoebbel propaganda. Assad and Putin saw through that a long time ago and know better.

  102. Ishmael Zechariah says:

    Kirkuk ??? A legend was written… Send in the female kurds-Amazons extraordinaire?
    You seem to be living in the future; kurds will do this, and kurds will do that. They will do squat. What have they done for the past millennia plus?
    We (Turks) do not need anyone’s help to take your kurds and convert them into Alpo. If you wish to see some real action, suit up and come on down. Plenty folks around. Will be fun.
    Ishmael Zechariah
    BTW: tayyip will get his as well. Be patient.

  103. mike says:

    Ishmael Zechariah –
    I pray for the day when Erdogan gets justice. May his living flesh rot, his bones be shattered, and his mouth filled with excrement.
    Not sure what you have against the ladies. Turkey had their own Amazon, Black Fatma. Perhaps Enver Pasha was too busy turning Armenians into Alpo so needed the ladies to kick the Greeks out of Turkey:

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