Profiles in Cowardice …… by Fred


In honor of Fake news pronouncing a Fake President I felt we should reflect upon those so under appreciated in the Republic. So, taking after the Kennedy's, just like Joe does, I offer this small offering for the public to peruse ……. America's Cowards. Because you, and they, deserve it. So without further fanfare:


Propping him up

I was going to use a photo image portraying something like Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, but too many wouldn't understand the biblical references, or would just "Turn on, tune in, drop out" like the hippies, and Hunter, did so well. Besides, Joe's coat has red tails,   and not this kind. That's an actual hero.  Then there is this ""Democrats are on the verge of losing three California House seats… ". So I went with the photo above, because like son, like father; he just needs a little proping up from enablers.

Joe, your son is a drug adict. You got him a job in the Navy, he got canned, and rightfully so. You enabled him – again – to get that job in Ukraine, and elsewhere. I wonder what's on that laptop you said is really Hunter's but we don't need to worry about? More about that later. 

If you think Joe is going to be a Catholic president like JFK and want to know what you are in for I offer up this piece of history from the '60s: "The man who got it right at the time was the British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. He grasped the important point that electing a Kennedy was not so much giving office to an  individual as handing over power to a family business, a clan, almost a milieu, with a set of attitudes about how office was to be acquired and used which at no point coincided with the American ethic. Having paid his first visit after Kennedy's election as President, Macmillan was asked on his return what it was like in Kennedy's Washington. 'Oh,' said he, 'it's rather like watching the Borgia brothers take over a respectable North Italian city.'"… ."

Savanah Guthrie

Does that lock on the door work to keep out the truth, kind of like Matt Lauer kept everyone from learning it? I know, you didn't know nuff'n.  You've got even more company in the "everybody that is somebody" don't know nuff'n club, hon. Hunter's laptop is the story of the decade and you don't cover it, or ask why the FBI had it in December of 2019 and did…….. just what you are doing, apparently. 


Romney and Mr. Low Energy

Not a single vote has been certified, there is massive credible evidence of fraud in multiple states and you already conceded? Not brave, not at all. No wonder you and Mr. Low Energy lost. 



Forty years in a government job. Expert epedemiologist. How many grandparents died in nursing homes in New York, New Jersey, Michigan and elsewhere because you didn't stop Cuomo, Murphy or Whitmer from sending infected Covid patients back to nursing homes? Why haven't you been fired already? Good news though, the covid is over, as we see here:

The Mask is off

And here:

Biden cell 1

Just don't tweet that because the Fifth Element Coward on this list is deleting that off twitter. Now mask up in submission like a good subject……

Saruman without the charm

(Reminds you of Saruman without the charm, doesn't he?)

What other news is he suppressing? 

1. Statistical Analysis using Benford's law.  or the first-digit law, is an observation about the frequency distribution of leading digits in many real-life sets of numerical data. It is used to check if a set of numbers are naturally occurring or manually fabricated. It has been applied to detect the voting frauds in Iranian 2009 election and various other applications including forensic investigations. See link for details. 

2. Stop the Steal. Just try and find it under #StopTheSteal

3. Soon: Trump is apparently planning more rallies.

Don't worry, the Princeps of Cowardice, in position six, 

FB is sorry

Is only making sure you don't post information on Benford's Law, statistical anomolies on the vote in PA, MI, WI etc…..

As Sydney Powell points out: Attorney Sidney Powell Drops Massive Bomb: "We've Identified 450,000 Ballots That Miraculously Only Have a Vote For Joe Biden"

Then there are these rapidly memory-holed stories:

Software programs count, don't call them 'glitches' when they are all counting errors in one direction.

Computers are just like robots, they do what they are programed to do.

"Election officials estimate that roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch, yet decided to push the impacted votes through, knowing some of the votes would likely change." from a piece titled: "The Glitch Went Down to Georgia"

Which reminds me of when this guy went down there: 


I hear Trump played the drums in school

If you are wondering, no Google hasn't changed it's tune any, but it is changing the meaning of words

Cowardly number Seven:


She's making a list, she's checking it twice. She knows who's been naughty. She and her followers won't be nice. Her acolytes are eager to help impose Democratic Socialist Justice. See every socialist dictator in history for examples. 

Jennifer Rubin

Hari Savugan

They aren't alone. I suggest one of the old FDR internment camps for re-educating the deplorable chumps.


You are probably all getting a little depressed, what with a full frontal assault of demorilization and demonization from the press, and now little ole me with my blog post. Here's something to lift up your spirits, so you can persevere to the end.

Honorable Mention

The greatest prosecutor of mafia bosses in history. What's he been doing lately?

Four Seasons

Guliani holds a press conference at The Four Seasons – lawncare? Allegedly there's a liquor store on one end and a porn shop on the other. What gives?

Well, guys named Weiner:

Four Seaons Landscaping 

Autumn falls into Winter

How much  in PPE loans for a lawncare business? Rumors of money laundering operations are afoot. I'm sure that's nothing Savanah Guthrie and her crack team of journalists want to look at.

Any other surprises out there?

"Nancy Pelosi's long time Chief of Staff is a key executive at Dominion Voting Systems whose software was used in all the contested states where "glitches" occurred in favor of Joe Biden. Also, Diane Feinstein's husband is a significant shareholder in the company."

Will wonders never cease. Looks like somebody took Rahm Emmanuel's advice and Learned to Code. Too bad those classes didn't come with a code of ethics. Which journalist will win a Pulitzer for a story about Russia Collusion this collusion? 

Now back to reality.



Peter Strzok is just the FBI agent to tell us how to get a FISA warrent to surveil people who are on record negotiating with a US citizen to get access to a politician and affect US policy. It's right there on the  laptop from hell. The FBI has had it for months. I wonder just how many FISA warrants were issued?  

You are gonna be one of the fall guys. Now if you had only kept clean a while longer you could have been in on the biggest bust of foreign interference in an American election in history.

In the Ninth Circle


NOooooooooo! Not Vlad. Do you know what he does to people who make him made? I don't want to find out either. That's just a place-holder photo since I don't have any pictures of Russian Trolls. Apparently when exposed to sunlight they turn to stone. Really. Why haven't we heard a word from the dozen trolls who defeated Brennan, Clapper, Strzock, and yes, Hilary. 

J'accuse Trolls! J'accuse! No Dominion for you. Apparently other programers took care of all that. 

Dishonorable mention.


"With VP Pick Kamala Harris, Joe Biden Gets a Digital Juggernaut" You didn't get a single delegate to the Democratic Convention, some 'Juggernaut'. Now as the Democratic VP candidate you are being unfairly tainted by allegations of being ready to use the 25th Amendement to remove Joe from office if and when he is inaugurated.

I think you would never do that. You were going to use that laptop and all the rest to bust the Bidens and roll up the whole shebang. I'm sure you misread Machiavelli that way.

You would'a been a contenda! You, the clean Woman prosecutor in the New Era of New America. True, all that vote rigging,  that's how they beat Scott Walker in Wisconsin in 2018, Tom Foley in Connecticut in 2010, and Norm Coleman in Minnesota in 2008. You aren't going to get away with it. 

You won't be First Woman President, no, now you are just going to be remembered as a woman tied to the hip to the most corrupt politician since Agnew. 


Posted by Fred

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16 Responses to Profiles in Cowardice …… by Fred

  1. Deap says:

    WSJ stuns me with their headlines and 100% gaslighted President-Elect Biden including his entire agenda and outcomes. Conceding he played it smart never saying anything and never coming out of his basement. Yet they now gloat about the good times to come based entirely on whole cloth.
    Let me share a very small front page story today from our local paper who was one of two newspapers nationwide who did endorse Trump in 2016:
    At this time, the Santa Barbara NewsPress is not calling Joe Biden the winner. The media that called the results since last Saturday is premature and incorrect.
    President Trump has contested the results in numerous battleground stats, and with an election this close, it is irresponsible to make conclusions at this time.
    All legal votes should be counted and all illegal votes should be discarded.
    And any irregularities regarding the operation at polls, the validity of ballots and the possible software manipulation of voting computers must be resolved before a true winner is announced.”
    SBNewsPress – 11/9/2020
    NB: This newspaper is privately owned by a wealthy individual, in a very blue “progressive” town which is dedicated to this daily paper’s downfall and personal vilification of its philanthropic owner. Yet they were one of only two newspapers in the nation (world/) in 2016 with the prescience and guts to call it for Trump.

  2. BillWade says:

    Brazil, China, Turkey, Russia and others are holding up on the Congrats Joe call. Bibi’s gone all in on Biden though, some friend, eh?

  3. Diana L Croissant says:

    Fred, I would be careful if I were you. Agnew and/or Safire might come back to haunt you, accusing you for being one of the “effete elite,” a simple “nattering nabob of negatism.”
    I know I am now probably getting my political parties mixed up; however, they are POLITICAL parties so they tend to meld together nowadays.
    Thanks for the post. I enjoyed it.

  4. Laura Wilson says:

    Deap…as a Santa Barbarian myself (native), I beg to differ. Yes, Wendy McCaw (the paper’s owner and living proof that bimbos are admitted into Stanford), did support Trump in an endorsement editorial in 2016 and again in 2020. Wendy has lost every single legal case brought against her paper by employees fired in violation of federal labor laws…she owes hundreds of court-ordered payments to those employees. She runs the newspaper as well as Trump runs his businesses….circulation is down to about 10,000 in an area with a population of 200,000. It is just another Libertarian rag…and I’ll bet you get your local news from the Indie and Noozhawk just like the rest of us.
    Her opinions about the election are shared by many…none of whom, apparently, have ever actually been poll workers, vote counters, or county elections officials. The conspiracy theories in this election are contradictory, overlapping, and statistically impossible. The election was about Trump….HE lost. Proof: down ballot GOPers did NOT lose. Voters were literally voting AGAINST Donald Trump. (Something y`all should understand clearly as so many in 2016 were voting AGAINST a Clinton!) Totally fair, totally understandable, totally honest. Occam’s Razor.

  5. MK says:

    Laura Wilson, there is a statistician that has found significant deviation in mail in ballots that went for Biden in the swing states – GA, PA, WI, MI, NV, AZ. So far off the statistical track the only conclusion is fraud, massive ballot dumps in the early morning of 11/4 when the results all started to skew to Biden. Check out the findings over at zero hedge. Quite convincing – math never lies.

  6. Fred says:

    “nattering nabob” would make a great nom de plume, I might have to take that up once I’m on AOC’s naughty list.
    “down ballot GOPers did NOT lose”
    John James, the black Republican candidate in Michigan, did lose his race for the Senate. A race that had turnout exceed Barack Obama’s in Detroit. The statistical down ballot drop off of people who only vote for President and no other candidate below that is about 3% of total votes. This election in multiple districts it was 6 times that. A 600% increase is a marker of fraud, not people who are fed up. The other major markers include the suppression of the analysis, just like the NYPost story of Hunter’s laptop was suppressed.

  7. Fred says:

    A minor update via “shipwreckcrew” (a former federal prosecutor on Twitter):
    Read the thread, but some highlights:
    “In July and Aug. hotel/casino companies began advising employees of permanent layoffs and ending of salary assistance as required by union contracts. Unemployment rate in Clark County still 15% now.”
    “Clark County unemployment rate was 3.5% in Dec. 2019, and 35% in April.
    There was an exodus out of Clark County by hourly wage workers.
    BUT their info was all known to the SEIU and Teamsters. Easy to ask for ballots online in Nevada. Fill them out and return them. Done.”

  8. BillWade says:

    Espers been fired!

  9. Leith says:

    Bill Wade – Yup.
    Trump fired him because Espers ordered the AF to put up combat air patrols over Wilmington Delaware when Biden was declared winner by all major media outlets. Giving air cover protection is the first trappings of power to a president-elect.

  10. sbin says:

    Dementia Joe has a long history of unconstitutional legislation and corruption.
    Kamala Harris prostituted herself for political gain.
    No morals, Ethics or personal integrity and willing to do anything for personal advantage.
    Perfect DNC candidate.
    A great match for dementia Joe.

  11. NancyK says:

    Trump lost because more Americans were sick of him than those that loved him. In my state NC, Trump won by a narrow margin as did the Republican senator Thom Tillis. Much of the state officials went Republican also however Governor Cooper, a Democrat won. Why? because more voters thought he was kind,caring and a good governor than did not. Democrats aren’t screaming voter fraud because Trump appears to have won.
    Only one candidate can win and it was Biden. Don’t be such sore losers. I agree let the process play out, if there should be states too close to call have a recount however come Inauguration day I firmly believe Biden will be president.

  12. BillWade says:

    I’m hoping that when President Trump gives his State of the Union Address that he advises Nancy Pelosi that he will have her arrested if she pulls the same shenanigans she did last time.
    Nancy, we’re not sore losers, we’re angry losers that will eventually become happy winners and, no, we won’t be making lists of the oppostion.

  13. Deap says:

    Laura Wilsons report on the legal status of NewsPress owner is innacurate or distorted for her own purposes. But serves as a good example what is at stake in this town, if anyone dares go against the “progressive” orthodoxy.
    Anyone interested should investigate this long tortured battle for an owner to retain control content of her own privately owned newspaper business – which was ultimately ruled in one winning case to be the owner’s first amendment right.
    The vindictiveness of the Left has no statute of limitations in this one curious private property case. Basis of the underly complaint was employees claimed they had superior ethical rights as journalists to defy the owner of the employer publication. The rest is just smoke and mirrors and friendly NLRB rulings. And endless appeals.

  14. Deap says:

    Correction: many were sick of the media distorting Trump and the media creating 24/7 chaos in his name. That is a cheap shot on which to win; not a victory. It was extortion, and gas-lighting. The victory was not real nor lasting.
    No one has the stomach for the chaos the radical Left will now inflict upon us, without Trump to absorb it.. Including the demand we now must include “gender preference pronouns” any time we say hello.
    Democrats are nuts; there will be no honeymoon and they have no second act after OrangeManBad. Nor does the media – they made money and eyeballs on one thing only – OrangeManBad. We know it and they know it. Time is not their friend.

  15. Deap says:

    Too bad so few voted for Biden not because they loved him; but only because hated Trump.
    An odd way to get a “mandate”. An ersatz dismissal perhaps; but no mandate to govern. Now America wakes up to what in fact has ridden in on the Biden horse. And shudders. Massive buyer’s remorse has already set in.

  16. TeakWoodKite says:

    Thank you Fred for the insights and brutality. 😉

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