“Without immigrants, America’s job growth would have stalled”

Dayton, Ohio, launched an effort in 2011 to become more welcoming to immigrants. Backers say the newcomers have benefited the city, which was losing population for decades. Madeleine Hordinski for NPR

Beth Casella’s family has been making things out of metal in Dayton, Ohio, for more than half a century. FC Industries — the company started by her grandfather, Frank — has grown into an $85 million local manufacturing business, churning out everything from high-tech centrifuges to La-Z-Boy recliner frames. “We’re growing,” Casella says. “We keep breaking records, month after month.”

Finding workers to sustain that growth has not been easy, especially since the pandemic, in a city where the unemployment rate is just 5%. Casella has relied in part on immigrants, who now make up about 10% of FC Industries’ 300-plus-person workforce. “We’ve always prided ourselves on being very diverse,” Casella says. “Three of my grandparents were immigrants.”

The company has partnered with a local refugee resettlement agency to help recruit workers. Bilingual employees are paid extra to act as translators, and the company is setting up an English class. It’s not altruism, Casella says. Just good business. “We want good workers,” she says. “We want people who can grow here and grow us to the next level. And we’re open to looking wherever that could be.”

It’s not just Casella’s company. Nationwide, immigrants are a vital force in powering the American job machine and keeping the U.S. economy humming. Over the last 12 months, nearly 1.5 million foreign-born workers have joined the labor force — legally or illegally. In the same period the population of U.S.-born workers has shrunk.

The broader data shows that immigrants are not displacing native workers, but rather filling a hole that’s been created by retiring baby boomers. Were it not for immigration, job growth likely would have stalled. And that’s doubly true in places like Dayton — an aging industrial city with a population that’s half the size it was in 1960.

Dayton rolls out the welcome mat for immigrants

While nearby Springfield, Ohio, has become a lightning rod in the national debate over immigration, Dayton has been working for more than a decade to lure more immigrants, to help fill jobs and revitalize old neighborhoods. Dayton dubs itself an “immigrant friendly city” and launched a program in 2011 to make services more accessible to newcomers and integrate them into the local community. “Our goal is to make Dayton a welcoming place for everybody,” says City Commissioner Matt Joseph, who helped spearhead the “Welcome Dayton” initiative.

Joseph, who has business cards printed in Spanish, Mandarin and Croatian, says there was some pushback, but not much “Most of the people who complained about it came from out of town,” he recalls. “Sometimes out of state. Like, they would drive hours to come to our meeting to complain about it. But native Daytonians didn’t, which I was really proud of.” In a survey last year, 57% of Dayton residents said they’d be happy to have an immigrant family next door. That’s down from 70% three years ago. City officials suspect hostile rhetoric from national politicians is partly to blame for the decline.

One immigrant’s journey from Payless Shoes to trucking company owner

Some of the new arrivals have started their own businesses, like Moh Fardeen Ahmadi, who moved to Dayton from Afghanistan, where he’d worked as a translator for the U.S. military. When he arrived a decade ago, Ahmadi spent a year working at Payless Shoes, then got a job as a truck driver. Eventually, he started his own trucking company with Afghan, Arab, Latino and U.S.-born employees. “I started with one truck,” Ahmadi says. “I have nine trucks now. I have a total of 10 drivers. And I have three dispatchers. And I have a guy working in my office too.” Since the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan three years ago, more than 100 other Afghans have settled in Dayton. Ahmadi calls it a second chance to rebuild their lives.


Comment: This article is mostly about Dayton, but the situation is similar to Springfield. The primary difference is that Dayton city leaders were proactive in supporting and integrating immigrants into their community. It wasn’t just the non-profit support agencies and business community doing it on their own as in Springfield. A lot of this was due to the efforts of now Dayton City Commissioner Matt Joseph. He also serves as the Chair of the Welcome Dayton Committee, a community initiative that promotes immigrant integration into the greater Dayton community since 2011.

As the full NPR article makes clear, Dayton’s full bore effort to welcome and integrate immigrants has paid off. It’s not a sanctuary city. Dayton bills itself as an immigrant friendly city. As Joseph says, “This is the best the city has done in 50 years — since before I was born,” Joseph says. “And welcoming immigrants, welcoming everyone, has played a role in that.”

I think this kind of effort should be a major part of addressing our future approach to immigration. On a nationwide level, the non-profit Welcome America Network can guide communities to replicate the success experienced by Dayton. And it is on the community level that the immigration issue will be solved. But it will also take the Federal government enacting the right policies to get a better handle on illegal immigration and asylum. Biden’s Humanitarian Parole Program along with his tougher regulations on immigrants and asylum seekers on the southern border is moving in the right direction.




And a few links to the Haitian situation in Springfield. The first two are from a local Springfield newspaper.




This entry was posted in Current Affairs, government, Policy, Politics, The economy, TTG. Bookmark the permalink.

47 Responses to “Without immigrants, America’s job growth would have stalled”

  1. babelthuap says:

    There is a lot more to this story. Are they paying for health insurance plans for these illegal aliens? Maternity leave for both illegal men and women? What about vacation policies and sick leave for those needing transition surgery. I would bet a couple of Lazy Boy fully assembled chairs they are not.

    As for the English classes it’s not needed. They could have learned English for free on a cell phone app before they illegally entered since most of them do in fact have cell phones.

    We do need workers but we probably would not if we had not entered WW I, WWII, Vietnam and all the other pointless wars and banning Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics which have killed millions of healthy future workers.

    What is going on now with this invasion reeks of panic. Not enough people to vote for, work for and protect the ruling class. Gotta get them from somewhere and fast.

    • TTG says:


      Firstly, they are not illegal aliens. They were admitted to the US as legitimate immigrants and often, humanitarian parolees. FC Industries offers the following benefits to employees:

      – Weekly paychecks
      – Competitive pay (premium for 2nd shift)
      – Profit sharing
      – Medical/dental/vision
      – Life insurance and short-term/long-term disability
      – Immediate holiday pay & earned paid time off
      – 401k retirement savings with company match
      – 100% tuition reimbursement
      – On-site café/convenience store
      – Wellness program with incentives
      – Corporate partner discounts
      – Family/team culture that values communication and growth
      – Fun perks such as gift cards, 50/50 drawings, picnics, holiday parties, employee appreciation days…and more!

      BTW, I think you owe me a couple of Lazy Boy chairs.

      • Fred says:


        Your sources of information are incorrect. TPS is a temporary program and there are plenty of people who did not enter that way. FC industries hired 30 people There are thousands of Haitians in the area.

        “The Supreme Court unanimously rules that Temporary Protection Status (TPS) is not an “inspected and admitted” arrival into the United States. The Court places restrictions against those under TPS who did not enter the United States formally from obtaining permanent residency.”

      • babelthuap says:

        Not enough info in the article as I stated. You would have to check legal status of everyone that works there. How are you going to do that exactly?

        • TTG says:


          I’m not going to do it. I would think FC Industries HR department would do so. Otherwise they’d be foolish to talk to NPR about their immigrant employees.

    • al says:

      Babel…a bit of “Lazy Boy” assumptions in that posting!

  2. F&L says:

    The second half of this performance is the finest rendition of Woodie Guthrie’s famous ballad I’ve ever heard. Not surprised – these are Irishmen. I checked thru out of curiosity about a dozen renditions of the original played by America groups and was disappointed but not surprised to find that no one can perform it with nearly the requisite elan and panache that it requires. I found gruel and weak dishwater in place of a hearty nourishing stew. Did YouTube censor the rousing versions which I expected must be in circulation because they feared an inspiring song of protest my undermine the monopization and aquisition of all farmland by Gill Bates, Blackstone etc? Probably not though it’s easily possible these days. More likely it’s just decay of our previous human resources, though there are still a few excellent performers of bluegrass. Our spiritual traditions are preserved in our music and these days I am bombarded by the most nauseatingly violent and grossly misogynistic “rap” whenever I make it to the neighborhood stores to shop. Try to imagine the courts of the Sun King, Frederick the Great or Catherine the Great listening to “I blasted that bitch’s pussy then I broke her ribs so I went to her apartment and I destroyed her baby’s crib” rather than Bach, Vivaldi or Couperin and Handel. A few years ago I related to Colonel Lang that this monstrously divided country would never come together until it would be permissible for an adequate performance of Dixie to be performed (there are none at the moment). I stand by that assertion. You need to visit the Emerald Isle to find a proper rendition of one of our finest folk songs. So to compromise, when the singer switches from Let the People Sing, to This Land is Your Land, simply read along with Woody Guthrie’s original lyrics below.
    (By the way I increasingly think the Old Man was correct that this nation may come apart at the seams. Videos of Chicago and Philadelphia partying and racing cars on highways which I’ve viewed on X recently are appalling).

    Let the People Sing – This Land is Your Land | Charlie and the Bhuoys

    This land is your land, and this land is my land
    From California to the New York island
    From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
    This land was made for you and me
    As I went walking that ribbon of highway
    And I saw above me that endless skyway
    I saw below me that golden valley
    This land was made for you and me
    I roamed and rambled, and I’ve followed my footsteps
    To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts
    All around me, a voice was sounding
    This land was made for you and me
    There was a big, high wall there that tried to stop me
    A sign was painted said “Private Property”
    But on the backside, it didn’t say nothing
    This land was made for you and me
    When the sun come shining, then I was strolling
    And the wheat fields waving, and the dust clouds rolling
    The voice was chanting as the fog was lifting
    This land was made for you and me
    This land is your land, and this land is my land
    From California to the New York island
    From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
    This land was made for you and me.

    • TTG says:


      We had a formal music program in grammar school from at least 4th grade through 8th grade. It might have started earlier, but I don’t remember. There was a music teacher on faculty. It consisted mainly of singing American songs including “This land is your land.” This damned near all white New England school had us singing all manner of historical folk songs including Dixie and Goober Peas. We also learned “Negro Spirituals” like “Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again.” I remember that one vividly because it sent me to the Principal’s office. We were singing it as a class and I was really getting into it. The music apparently signaled the class to stop at one point. I wasn’t paying attention and continued to belt out the line “Dem bones gonna rise again” in an unauthorized solo performance. The class was silent except for my friend sitting next to me who was doubled over in prolonged laughter. I think it was the prolonged laughter that pissed off the music teacher. We were both sent to the Principal’s office.

      • F&L says:

        We did too TTG. Also learned songs of the Civil War. “Tenting Tonight, on the Old Campground” “We’ll Rally Round the Flag” etc. My folks had a dual LP set of Civil War songs of the North and South demarked blue and grey. It must have been a huge bestseller because the musical quality was top notch and the liner notes too. Probably very hard to find now.

        Apropos of nothing this song moved me to tears this morning:

        Sean South of Garryowen | Charlie and the Bhuoys

        In fact, Sean South was a Limerick man.

        Sean South of Garryowen” is a song about Seán South, (written by Seán Costelloe) a member of the Pearse Column of the Irish Republican Army, who was fatally wounded during the attack on Brookeborough barracks in 1957. It is sung to the same tune as “Roddy McCorley”.[1] The words were first published in the Irish Catholic, the Irish weekly Roman Catholic newspaper, within a week of South’s death.[2]
        Contrary to popular belief, South was not actually from the area of Garryowen, this being poetic licence on the part of the writer. The song was translated into Swedish in 2008 by musicians Björn Alling and Conny Olsson. It has also been satirised in the Rubberbandits song “Up da Ra”, from their 2011 album Serious About Men.
        Do an image search on Sean South. A beautifully tall, very handsome man cut down in his prime by the bloody British.

    • jld says:

      I find this quite appropriate for our current world state…

    • al says:

      The refrain of this, “…A sign was painted said “Private Property”
      But on the backside, it didn’t say nothing. This land was made for you and me…” I heard exclaimed several times in Upper Michigan while grouse hunting with a buddy.

      He seemed to be of mind to jump over a fence marked with “No Trespassing” while singing that! Especially if there was some good grouse habitat over the fence. I stayed put, just hoping for a flush my way.

    • Laura Wilson says:

      I was in Prescott AZ for their 4th of July parade (back in John McCain days and he took part) and a local conservative group float (not official GOP, I don’t think) came by with a large paper mache eagle and a blaring recording “This Land”…. I asked my nephew: “Do you think they know Woody was a Communist?” He laughed and thought not!

  3. morongobill says:

    Perhaps Dayton might like to have Springfield’s 20,000 Haitians re-settle there?

    • TTG says:


      Why would Springfield want to give up all those good workers and small business owners? Why would they want to go back to being a dying city?

    • F&L says:

      “Y’all from Dayton?”

      That was the approach line of the black streetwalkers on upper Broadway on the west side of Manhattan in the late sixties and early seventies. If anyone here has a feathered brain and needs an explanation just ask.

    • Fred says:


      Springfield is 26 miles away.


      Why don’t those good workers and business owners create a future in Haiti for Haitians?

  4. As to why America “needs” immigrants,
    I think the answer is revealed by this table of fertility rate by decade:
    You can see the bump that resulted in the baby boom,
    and how it compared to earlier and later decades.

  5. leith says:

    Nothing wrong with immigrants. Trump’s wife is an immigrant, so was his first wife, his mother was also an immigrant, so were his paternal grandparents. My maternal great grandparents were Canuck wetbacks who snuck across the St John River one night into the great state of Maine. My favorite Aunt Rosa came from Naples as a war bride. My first wife arrived in this country when she was two or three years old, her sister was born on the ship bringing them here. I grew up in a neighborhood where you could hear Italian, Gaelic, Yiddish, Portuguese & Polish spoken. Kids I went to school with had to translate for their mothers and fathers who had not learned English. Their fathers worked hard in factories &/or construction, their wives made clothing in garment factories &/or in their homes. Their parents saved their money and eventually opened restaurants, bakeries, barber or cobbler shops, corner stores and other small businesses. The children became police, firemen, nurses, etc; the grandchildren became doctors, engineers, CPAs, colonels & generals. Everyone in America is an immigrant unless his ancestors were here prior to 1492. And even some of the pre-Columbians were latecomers.

    Speaking of ethnic restaurants – a treat last time I went to the VA in Portland was to stop by a Haitian restaurant and get a plate of their salt cod pate turnovers, or pasties as my grandma would have called them, with a side of black rice. Delicious!

    • Fred says:


      “Everyone in America is an immigrant unless his ancestors were here prior to 1492.”

      That’s a racist thing for you to say. My ancestors here before Columbus didn’t, and weren’t about to, create a united continent nor did they create the United States. This country’s founding didn’t come from immigrants, it was created from people who did not ‘immigrate’ like your grand parents, the people who passed through Ellis Island, were shipped out of China, or were smuggled out of the Caribbean, or just crossed the border with Mexico.

      Speaking of ethnic restaurants, there was a great place in Lexington serving wonderful avant-garde fare, unless you wore a red hat. I believe it was written about here years back. There’s still a decent coffee shop and a couple of places serving actual grits. Sadly the two ladies in Strasburg retired so their breakfast’s and actual biscuits & gravy are no longer available. Crabil’s is still in business though.

      • leith says:

        @Fred: “smuggled out of the Caribbean”

        Kinda like Alexander Hamilton maybe?

        By the way those immigrant great grandparents I mentioned are just one ancestral thread. There’s others that fought in the American Revolution and every war since.

        Dad was a Virginian, and like him I do love grits and gravy. I’d have to drive two hours to Portland for a restaurant that serves grits. But out here they try to dress it up, new-age cuisine one place calls it. Sadly it’s a poor substitute for what I recall.

        You should drop the red hat, if it keeps you out of good restaurants – this country was built on compromise.

        • Fred says:


          You’re living on Stolen Land! So says the left. Hamilton did not get human trafficked by a cartel or NGO, but nice try. As to red hats, if you attack people often enough they’ll stop wearing them. Which is precisely what democrats did in many cities.

    • al says:

      Leith, Portland is full of excellent ethnic eateries. Have you tried Pambiche, authentic Cuban dishes, located on NE Glisan St?

      • leith says:

        Al –

        Thanks for the tip. I’ll try it next time I go. It’s a two hour drive though, so I don’t get there often. I just google mapped it, looks like it’s not too far from Burnside Bridge? Maybe I’ll combine it with a trip to Powell’s Books.

  6. Gordon Reed says:

    The state of California is now probably over 50% Latino if you count the illegals. This has come about because domestic migration into California slowed in the 70s and now people are leaving so the only way to increase the workforce has been through immigration both legal and mostly illegal. through the decades the illegals that came in had a place to stay lined up and a job lined up as opposed to the amnesty seekers that have been coming to the border lately. Why do we need to increase the workforce, because it makes people money. More people equals more housing being built more shopping centers more infrastructure more Costcos etc. When does it end when we have a billion people, two billion?

    • F&L says:

      The entire retirement benefits pyramid collapses too without more employed people. Of course we could easily make the super wealthy pay their fair share of payins to the Social Security trust funds, but our congress has a full time job enjoying having the dicks of the rich plutocrats wiped across their craven lips.

    • Tidewater says:

      Gordon Reed,

      “When will it end?” I am reading into Abrahm Lustgarten’s ‘ On the Move,’ right now. I think he provides some clues. Though I will note that he seems to know very little about what is happening in the Arctic/Antarctic as the earth’s apparently inevitable Venusian climate continues its runaway development.

      • Gordon Reed says:

        Tidewater I just cursorily reviewed his book and I agree that climate change is a long term problem that will result in demographic shifts. Our current immigration from overseas is from a want by our business community for more cheap labor and more consumers exacerbated by our war on terror and sanctions against countries, e.g. Venezuela that have driven millions of refugees from war and economic sanctions to seek refuge in the US and Europe.

  7. Something I think to bear in mind is the crime rate in various countries;
    Venezuela is #1, Haiti is #3.
    What causes those discrepancies?
    An open question.
    But I don’t think we should bury our heads in the sand and ignore them.
    Venezuelan gangs are in the news.

    • al says:

      KH, Per your “Venezuelan gangs are in the news”, I recall my WASP grandmother complaining about Sicilian gangsters. Perhaps we can round up those with Sicilian ancestry and deport them, too.

      • Stefan says:

        Those Sicilians are still at it. Decades and decades of crime. Same with the Irish mafia. We could try to deport them but the Irish wouldnt want them. There is exactly nothing Irish about “Irish” Americans but some negligible Irish DNA.

  8. scott s. says:

    My wife is a UD grad, from back in the hay-day of NCR. Probably helped influence her to major in Comp Sci, which women didn’t really do at the time. On a visit to Dayton a few years ago, she was sad to see how NCR disappeared. But she’s from Rochester, NY and saw the same thing with Kodak there.

    Dayton, though, has Wright-Pat just outside of town, so won’t ever be really down-and-out.

    • al says:

      Scott, I visit Dayton a couple times per yr as my daughter lives there with her immigrant husband, Carlos, from Guatemala, and my 2 grandchildren.
      The downtown area looks very upbeat and active.

  9. Lesly says:


    I can’t find mention of wages, salaries or benefits in the NPR article. As long as U.S. businesses support immigration policies that provide them with a source of cheap labor people born in the U.S. will have fewer children. As a legal immigrant I wouldn’t want a liberated Cuba to stop being Cuban for the sake of the economy. Making corporate profit and maintaining birth rates to sustain Ponzi schemes the driving forces behind immigration policy doesn’t make sense for any country.

  10. Fred says:


    Thanks for the NPR puff piece. “immigrants, who now make up about 10% of FC Industries’ 300-plus-person workforce.”

    So FC industries could find zero US citizens anywhere in Ohio, MI, IN, or even MD to take the 30 jobs of unidentified skill requirements at the unknown wage rate. But if an employee does not speak English FC will pay other employees more to translate for you. I won’t bother to ask the OSHA regulated safety impact in a manufacturing plant of 10% of employees not speaking or reading the language. Nor will I ask how many translators are needed for local police, local elementary, middle, or high schools; or the court system.

    Dayton’s Full Bore efforts. Hurrah! Black Americans from East St. Louis, Flynt, Baltimore (great education there), need not apply. Dayton is Immigrants Are Our Strength full bore! They even have an immigrant relocation agency, but not an American Citizen relocation agency. I wonder why the hate American citizens like that.

    “At Kiser Elementary School, for example, 40% of students now speak a native language other than English. Instructions on the walls are printed in Spanish, Turkish and the central African language of Kinyarwanda.”

    Who is paying for translations of three different languages into English? How about the other schools in Dayton, OH?

    “City Commissioner Joseph acknowledges there are costs associated with providing services to the new arrivals, and he wishes his city had more control over things like work permits.”

    So cities run by leftists should set immigration policy, costs should shift to other people who pay taxes and whose children have to sit side by side with children who, through no fault of their own, don’t speak English. Unlike you or I or our children. These American citizens who are children, through no fault of their own now, have improved educations how? This is a standard do-gooder leftist story. At 5% of a population of, well is that city population 133K (and falling), or the metropolitan population – almost a million? That left out part is the difference between 6,500 (city) and 40,000. Quite a bit of a difference, especially if they don’t know the language or need any other assistance. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! translators, social workers, teachers, teachers aids, assistant principles, coaches (aWalz jr) and all the rest. “City Commissioner Joseph acknowledges there are costs ” but not out of his salary.

    Also thanks for the link to the lefty org that has for decades paid its executives 20% of the revenue to ‘do good’ but not by helping Americans move across country for those good paying jobs.

    Further on Haitians:

    So decades of Clinton and UN directed aid left Haiti a land of violence? Why would anyone want to vote for Hilary with that track record or hire her staffers given their performance?

    ” two major waves of Haitian immigrants to Springfield in recent years”
    So in 2021 the US needed to take thousands of Haitians into a town in Ohio, and even more in 2023? Why?

    “The city in September 2023 held a meeting with six local staffing companies.”
    So these staffing companies were named…..? Don’t ask, they don’t tell. Nor could they advertise in Ohio, apparently. “Reports of human trafficking and exploitation of this population followed.” You don’t say? Aren’t those federal crimes? What was Prosecutor Harris doing as VP since Joe was apparently letting these crimes happen? I better not ask, there’s a narrative to defend.

    ““there were companies that knew they were going to make an effort to bring in individuals who were crossing the border based on federal regulations that they could do that.” That’s a lot of word salad to say the city’s own investigation found human trafficking.

    “Our community attracted 7,000 new jobs to the area in the past several years.” did anyone ask the Springfield chamber how many years ‘several’ years might be and how many layoffs in between? “Officials with the organization declined to be interviewed, pointing to the statement” Of course they did. We put out a press release. Sorry you found out about the human trafficking. Don’t ask us or our members about that.

    “He says that Haitians have left their homeland only because they have been left with no choice. ” Says the real estate agent with a master’s degree in construction management – apparently from a school in Haiti. Which could certainly use some construction managers.

    “The Biden administration told the News-Sun that 520,000 immigrants have been authorized through the parole program in two years.”

    TPS grants two years of special status. Then they go back. Sure they do. Meanwhile American citizens …. need the competion for good jobs that employment agencies are looking in guess which cities to get Americans to relocate for, nor do NGOs help you get there. There children deserve non english speakers in school, too. Trayvon missed out. So did George Floyd.

    “Haitians on TPS may qualify for the same benefits as other Ohioans, such as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, food stamps and Medicaid — with the same work and eligibility requirements.”

    Of course they are eligible. Who pays, not FC Industries.

    “Trump attempted to end TPS in his first term — though the effort was blocked by a court injunction that outlasted his presidency.”
    So a Temporary program is in perpetuity regardless of what the new president decides because a 9th judicial circuit judge says it can’t be undone? Great stuff.

    • TTG says:


      Why did FC Industries and others hire Haitians and other immigrants? Here’s what another manufacturer this time in Springfield said:

      “We want more jobs in our community, and in order to fill those jobs, some jobs need to be people who are not originally from here,” Jaime McGregor, who owns the manufacturing factory McGregor Metals in Springfield, told PBS. McGregor told the outlet that about 10% of his workforce, about 30 employees, is Haitian. “I wish I had 30 more,” he said. “Our Haitian associates come to work every day. They don’t have a drug problem. They’ll stay at their machine. They’ll achieve their numbers. They are here to work. And so in general, that’s a stark difference from what we’re used to in our community.”

      In short, immigrants are good workers. As it’s said in Hamilton, The Musical, “Immigrants, we get the job done.” They’re not all a bunch of criminal gang members.

      I worked in a small factory whenever I was home from college. I was allowed to work there for as little as a week at a time because my father was the tool and die maker there as his second job. The owner hired almost exclusively Québécois women to operate the stamping and injection machines. They were always trying to set me up as somebody’s sweet babboo. They lived in the neighborhood and told their friends about the factory, but most importantly, they were very good at a repetitious job that required great dexterity. The factory owner was very happy with them.

      Haitians have been coming to the US since the 80s at a fairly steady rate before the most recent surge. The majority of these early arrivers have their green cards by now. This allows a lot of Haitians to immigrate because their relatives already have permanent resident status or even citizenship. They don’t all have to depend on TPS. BTW, TPS has been a fixture of US immigration policy since Congress created TPS in the Immigration Act of 1990. since then it has applied to over two dozen countries. Parole status has been around for decades longer.

      • Fred says:


        “in the musical” AYFKM? A musical is your justification? If you reread my work you will find neither work efforts or criminal conduct stated or implied. Thanks for the slander.

        “since the 80s at a fairly steady rate before the most recent surge. The majority of these early arrivers have their green cards by now.”

        That’s 60 years ago? How many 78 yo Haitians do you think are working on a green card? How many relatives does the republic need because they are related to someone on a green card? How does that immigrant aid a US citizen who is not directly employing them?

        You worked in summers in college for a woman who discriminated based on race and sex, except for you. Got it. You were special then. Apparently these immigrants over the years preferentially selected over American citizens across the Republic are also preferred. Let us not ask why.

        Did you read about all the social services and other costs associated with these immigrants? Apparently not.

        • TTG says:


          Those older Haitians, now permanent resident aliens and even citizens, are bringing their family members from Haiti to work in places like Springfield, NYC and Miami, much like Melania brought her family here. Many don’t like this chain migration, but it remains a common practice for now.

          The owner of the factory where I worked was a male American citizen. He also had my brothers and sister working there at times. He let our family use his hunting/fishing camp on Moosehead Lake. That was the kind of guy he was. He hired those who came asking for a job and were willing to work. Why so many Québécois? Word of mouth among the local community. The factory owner never had to advertise for workers, but he still got hard working and loyal workers.

          • Fred says:


            Please. They brought 20,000 relatives from Haiti in 3 years? Please stop lying because this group, along with millions of others, came here without following our laws. Thousands of lawful immigrants from Haiti did not suddenly decide to go to Ohio because they couldn’t find a job in SE Florida. Lots of NGOs with Biden-Harris administration support got sent there and elsewhere though.

          • TTG says:


            It’s obvious you are impervious to facts on this subject. Vance has your head chock full of his cock and bull stories about Haitians. For one last time, here’s an article that directly addresses some of the false claims you’re clinging to. I’m not going to summarize it.


        • F&L says:

          AYKFM — Is that an acronym for:

          As You Fondle Kamala Materializes?

    • Eric Newhill says:

      Lefties don’t care about reality itself as long they can pat themselves on the back and feel good. It’s all about the feelz.

      There is no point conversing with the delusional and hopelessly, willfully ignorant. I think one could find a superior understanding of economics and social science in a typical cartoon.

    • leith says:

      Fred –

      Presidents ain’t kings. Your and my ancestors fought to get rid of them.

    • F&L says:

      Fred & TTG & All

      Has it ever occured to you that people who can’t speak English while living in the US and who additionally suffer under great economic impoverishment .. that people like that are especially desireable to the business owners of America here because they are essentially defenseless and represent no threat to unionize or otherwise stand up for themselves.

      Or as Fred puts it so well – ‘Jobs Jobs Jobs’!

      The American people have been brainwashed so thoroughly and been intentionally undereducated that they know all about the latest garbage on offer about worshipping a 6 foot 9 inch tall lifelong criminal and drug addict who robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint, not to mention queuing up for Tranny nights at the local library. And by design ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the hugely VIOLENT suppression of movements for worker’s rights in America between 1850 and 2024.

      Child: Mommy I’m off to listen to a convicted felon who transitioned in the old fashioned ways before Kamala Harris provided tax-payer funds for free transition while incarcerated even if you murdered an entire family or abducted 9 year old kids and kept them manacled to steam pipes in your dungeon. Isn’t it so progressive?

      Mommy: In my day we attended readings by Bertrand Russell, Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk … By the way where did this expensive looking stero equipment come from and what’s with the 17 brand spanking new iphones in your room?

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