Tag Archives: Ukraine


As Pliny put it: “Graves offensae, levis gratia.” So let me begin, with song! Because, why not. Ain’t no real big secret all the same.…Ain’t no real big secret all the same…. Somewhere, somehow somebody, must have kicked you around … Continue reading

Posted in Fred, Gastronomie, Humor, Justice, Politics, Ukraine Crisis | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Banned by Biden! A Digital Iron Curtain Descends Upon America. By Fred

Just what has been banned? Masks? Oh no, he's gonna make them mandatory nationwide, like women wearing a burkha in Saudi Arabia. You have undoubtablely heard about the Weineresque hard drive discovery involving Hunter Biden and his emails. You probably … Continue reading

Posted in As The Borg Turns, China, Current Affairs, Fred, government, History, Justice, Media, Politics, Television | Tagged , , , , | 16 Comments